Search results for "system76"



GTK3/4 Themes by umayanga
System 76's brand new "Pop OS" like GTK+ and Shell theme. Also consider as a material style alternative theme for the default theme of Ubuntu. Dark titlebar / headerbar version An adaptive Gtk+ theme based on the Flat-Plat and Adapta theme. Tested on GNOME 3.26 Icon theme:...
gnome linux material popos system76 theme unix
Jan 25 2018

Pop-Remix-light (PopOS theme)

GTK3/4 Themes by umayanga
System 76's brand new "Pop OS" like GTK+ and Shell theme. Light titlebar / headerbar version. An adaptive Gtk+ theme based on the Flat-Plat and Adapta theme. Pop OS is owned by System 76 (Cassidy James Blaede & Jeremy Soller)
gnome linux material popos system76 theme unix
Jan 25 2018