Search results for "vintage"


SE98 WM Theme

GTK3/4 Themes by nestoris
My dirty fork of Redmond97 Millennium theme, a GTK+ theme made in Windows 98 style, suitable mainly for Mate environment. I've added clouds to Thunar and Open/Save dialog sidebars.
gnome gtk2 gtk3 linux theme unix vintage windows windows98
Apr 16 2023


GTK3/4 Themes by donfaustino
Note 1: This was made with both XFCE and MATE on mind, so you may find issues if you are using another DE. Note 2: The borderless releases only includes the window manager themes. Note 3: This theme is intented to look better with non-CSD settings. If you want to know how to do that, please...
gnome gtk2 gtk3 linux theme unix vintage windows windows95
Nov 19 2022