Search results for "xubuntu"



GTK3/4 Themes by zayronXIO
[h2]Os Catalina GTK-Night[/h2] [color=#737373]New gtk theme, aimed primarily at users of xfce4. based on the theme mcmojave by vinceliuice. the code remains practically intact in comparing the original version, however only a few minor modifications have been made to make the theme more...
catalina gnome linux macos theme unix xfce4 xubuntu
Jan 10 2021

light_salad green desktop theme

GTK3/4 Themes by leaf-watoru
on various ubuntu themes and should work properly with Xubuntu 18.04. I've never found a theme for Xfce
evergreen gnome green linux theme unix xfce xfce4 xubuntu
Aug 31 2020