Windows 7 Lookalike Plymouth Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Now the theme is semi-configurable. Images were created or modified using GIMP or Inkscape, from publicly available sources (like Wikipedia). I've included some svg files that I used so that you can make your own png images from them if you so choose.
##################### INSTALLATION ##########################
You'll need to extract as root, to /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ and then run:
plymouth-set-default-theme --rebuild-initrd 7
On Ubuntu (thanks Schiwi):
sudo tar xzvf 7-0.2.tar.gz -C /lib/plymouth/themes/
sudo sed -i 's//usr/share///lib//g' /lib/plymouth/themes/7/7.plymouth
sudo rm /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth
sudo ln -s /lib/plymouth/themes/7/7.plymouth /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth
sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
##################### CONFIGURATION ##########################
As root, open /usr/share/plymouth/themes/7/7.script with your favorite editor. Instructions on customizing the theme are in the top portion of the file. You may need to rerun this in order to see changes. You may not.
plymouth-set-default-theme --rebuild-initrd 7
##################### CHANGELOG ##########################
0.1 - Initial Release
- Fixed the issue with displaying startup and shutdown text
- Made text configurable
- Made backgrounds configurable
- Added ability to display image at bottom which is also configurable
- Slowed down the animation to more match what Windows 7 does
- Some code cleanup (still a bit messy though)
Ratings & Comments
1 The download link does not work.
the link is no longer working heres a mirror download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/zhonghuaren/Fedora_25/noarch/plymouth-theme-7-0.2-3.1.noarch.rpm
You are Eretic!
Sorry... Heretic! But it is essences doesn't change. Forgive for my English
Yeah, I know it's soooo wrong, which is what makes it sooo right! Why not? Everyone at work thinks I'm running Windows 7 until I tell them it's Linux. It's the most customizable OS out of the box. You can do whatever you want with it. That's why it will always kick Microsoft in the a##, long after they are a has-been. ;)
When I had KDE I said to all that it Windows 8. And then laughed, when they wanted to themselves such... U are joker, i think... But Heretic. LOL
You may also want to make a note that nVidia hardware/drivers only support up to 4-bit color and extremely low resolution. Its not recommended...trust me. PS: The Plymouth theme has finally been integrated into the Win2-7 Pack for Ubuntu Distributions and will be released in 6.0 this week.
Hello. Could we use this Splash for the Win2-7 Pack? http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7+Pack?content=113264 I would really like to use it. Also does anyone have "uninstall" Instructions that I could script? @ Schiwi: Dang...now I cant make a version for KDE :p lol
Go right ahead!
For uninstall it, you need a backup of the previous plymouth theme ls -l /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 10 > `pwd`/backup/plymouth then you can undo it with PLYMOUTH=$(cat `pwd`/backup/plymouth) ln -sf $PLYMOUTH /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth rm -Rf /lib/plymouth/themes/7 This will work for Ubuntu, note the paths
What modifications would need to be made to Uninstall on Fedora?
I have not tested it, but i think this could work Backup: cp -fp /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf `pwd`/backup/plymouth Install: plymouth-set-default-theme 7 /sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel --mkinitrd --dracut --depmod --install $(uname -r) Restore: cp -fp `pwd`/backup/plymouth /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf /sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel --mkinitrd --dracut --depmod --install $(uname -r)
This is also a complete Windows 7 theme...: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7+Pack?content=113264 they haven't make one for kde, but this one for Gnome rocks!!!
I made one for KDE: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/?content=129647 ;)
Oh come on guys, lighten up, this theme is funny!
I guess, a logo with the same animation as the Windows logo, but with Tux instead would be great
Haven't tried the theme, but having seen the images, i think it's nice ;)
To install on Ubuntu: Quote:
tar xzvf 7-0.1.tar.gz -C /lib/plymouth/themes/
sed -i 's/\/usr\/share\//\/lib\//g' /lib/plymouth/themes/7/7.plymouth
rm /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth
ln -s /lib/plymouth/themes/7/7.plymouth /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth
sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
Also, if you vote "bad" for this, you are retarded. "OMG, anything from MS is automatically BAD! ROTFLOL." Get off your religion and accept that MS does do some things right, even though they are a bunch of douches. I am hardcore Linux now, but I find it amusing to be able to emulate the proprietary BS, at no cost to you. And if you don't accept this new religion, then damn you!
Typical rant. Makes sense. Personally since plymouth seems to be lacking in participation, I'd love to see some innovation in a different area... Nice work never the less.
First we said bastards and not bastads. In the second time don't insult peoples for what they loves/dislike. Third: Why do we have to love this theme who present the logo of the privacy society, if it was an animal or a landscape I would surelly love it, but a logo... In the same idea you can put the cooca cola logo... I'm not a fan of those logos, and I'm using Gnu/Linux and not windows so I guess it's stupid to use their logo, it would be better to use their system if you like so much their compagnie... Because I'm using Gnu/Linux I assume it, I don't lie to my friend with this fake bootsplash.
Good it rocks!