
Plasma 4 Extensions

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This plasmoid makes it easy to see wether you have new fax or invoices on your sipgate account. It now can send also fax or sms to one person.

You will need the python binding to run this plasmoid.

for full support aka storing passwords in kwallet also python-keyring-kwallet package is needed.

Hope you like it!

for debian/ubuntu:
apt-get install plasma-sciptengine-python

apt-get install python-keyring-kwallet (0.2.3)

for all newer systems:
apt-get install python-keyring
known bugs: 0.5.1-1: doesn't works together with kwallet
fixed upstream in Version 130:
Last changelog:

v0.1.3: -fixes problems with KDE SC 4.6
- now have a global offline/online mode

v0.1.2.1: -workaround for problem metioned by rdorsch

v0.1.2: -handels sipgate-bacic with no fax incomming (thanks to JanGerrit)
-if python-keyring is not installed it will just let you use this plasmoid
-delete unused imports (magic and mimetypes)

v0.1.1: -update now works correctly
-can send sms & fax

v0.1: - updates the status of your sipgate-Account
-can store the password either with kwallet or directly in the config-File
-CAN\'T send sms or fax yet

Ratings & Comments



This plasmoids sounds really great, but unfortunatly is does not work on my System. System: Fedora 14 KDE 4.6.3 I installed PyKDE4, PyKDE4-devel, and plasma-scriptengine-python. There was no python-keyring package in the fedora repos. Then I installed the plasmoid. Result: I recieved a valid plasmoid on my plasma desktop, but it never connects to sipgate. After a restart the plasmoid was not loaded again, something like "script could not be initialised" was displayed. After deleting it and add the plasmoid again to the desktop, it works again (but still no connection). But same bug after rebooting. Then I installed python-keyring 0.5.1 from Result: When I try to add the plasmoid to to plasma desktop, plasma crashes. I hope this information helps you! :) Thanks for all your work.


Yes after upgrade to kde4.6.3 I have the same problem that the plasmoid doesn't connect to the server. I'm searching the bug. You don't need python-keyring for a working plasmoid, you only need it, if you want to use kwallt for backend. Please deinstall python-keyring 0.5.1! This version is incopatible for kwallet! It is very likely that this version crashes plasma ! If you want to use the kwallet backend, either use python-keyring 0.4.X or the newest version from bitbucket. I can send you an instruction how to install the newest version from bitbucket.


Thanks for your quick response. Well, First I wait for your bugfix and then I take a closer look at python-keyring and how to install it on Fedora.


This problem should fixed with v0.1.3.


Hello, I observe from time to time, that during the start of my KDE session, the panel, all plasmoid, the screen background, etc. die. Essentially I see only windows from the previous session, nothing else. When I compare .xsession-errors from such a broken startup with a good startup, I see these additional entries there (I see these rarely, therefore I have only one testcase so far): Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma_scriptengine_python/", line 75, in init self.pyapplet.init() File "/home/rd/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/sipgate-plasmoid/contents/code/", line 98, in init self.readConfig() File "/home/rd/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/sipgate-plasmoid/contents/code/", line 117, in readConfig self.updateMessages() File "/home/rd/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/sipgate-plasmoid/contents/code/", line 141, in updateMessages messages=self.server.getNewMessages() File "/home/rd/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/sipgate-plasmoid/contents/code/anbieter/", line 129, in getNewMessages self.__connect() File "/home/rd/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/sipgate-plasmoid/contents/code/anbieter/", line 75, in __connect self.__send_method(self.samurai.ClientIdentify, args_identify) File "/home/rd/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/sipgate-plasmoid/contents/code/anbieter/", line 83, in __send_method xmlrpc_result = func(args) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1199, in __call__ return self.__send(self.__name, args) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1489, in __request verbose=self.__verbose File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1243, in request headers xmlrpclib.ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for 401 Authorization Required> I cannot say for sure that the sipgate plasmoid is the reason that the startup of the session is broken, but at least I see the difference above in the .xsession-errors file. The complete .xsession-errors files (good start and broken start) are here: Any insight what is the problem, if not the sipgate plasmoid, is very welcome.


Hello, your link to your .xsessions-errors, I'll get a 403. I see, I don't handle a bug of sipgate, I'll create a fix. But onthe other hand one nonvalid plasmoid shouldn't break the plasma-desktop! So this is also a bug for them! Can you give me your exact version number of python, kde and distri. I don't have any problems with this plasmoid. Dear, hefee


Hi hefee, thanks for the quick reply. I fixed the permission issue for the .xsession-errors file. I am running Debian 6.0.1 (stable/squeeze). KDE in there is 4.4.5, python is 2.6.6 Let me know if you need more information ( might help as well)


Hey, I updated the plasmoid, so it shouldn't break anymore if sipgate server doesn't answers correctly. Have you seen also the error in your .xsession-errors: plasma-desktop(2810)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3 Major opcode: 2 (X_ChangeWindowAttributes) Resource id: 0x1c01004 I think there is a other problem, but who knows ;) dear hefee


Many thanks for the quick fix. I was hoping KDE downloads the update for me, but it did not :O( I downloaded then the entire package and replaced /home/rd/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/sipgate-plasmoid but with that, the plasmoid did not even start anymore. Do you know the proper way to update a plasmoid? If there is none or not clear, did you maybe just update a single file, which I could replace?


the problem is that python-scripengine has a problem in debian sid, so it is impossible for me to test. To update a plasmoid use: plasmapkg -u to view the plasmoid as single window use: plasmoidviewer sipgate-plasmoid


Hello, Unfortunately, the connection view is not displayed correctly (calls and faxes), the account summary works.Could it be that something has changed in the Sipgate API? Greetings, Jan Gerrit PS: To all people who have problems to run the widget, you've to install "python-magic", "python-keyring-kwallet" and "python-keyring", too.


mmh strange, for me it works ;) maybe just wait about 10min, cause if it couldn't get connected - it will wait 10min and then try again.


>PS: To all people who have problems to run the widget, you've to install "python-magic", "python-keyring-kwallet" and "python-keyring", too. nope you shouldn't need it if you select save to configuration file...


Hello Hefee, > nope you shouldn't need it if you select save to configuration file... I don't know exactly why, but I've to install "python-magic", "python-keyring-kwallet" and "python-keyring" to start the application first time. Could it be that "save in keyring" is the default value? The connection view doesn't work because Sipgate Basic has no fax messages. If I comment out line 145 in it's getting to work for me. #For Sipgate Basic comment out line 145: #self.fax.setText("<b>%i</b>/%i"%(messages['fax']['unread'],messages['fax']['read'])) Greetings, Jan Gerrit


>I don't know exactly why, but I've to install "python-magic", "python-keyring-kwallet" and "python-keyring" to start the application first time. Could it be that "save in keyring" is the default value? is solved in the updated version 0.1.2 now you need only the package python-keyring-kwallet ( and this needs python-keyring), if you want to use kwallet for saving the password. >The connection view doesn't work because Sipgate Basic has no fax messages. If I comment out line 145 in it's getting to work for me. the version v0.1.2 has a patch for that problem - not ideal but now it'll show you the invoices correct.


hi! good work! Im very interested, But how do I install this? I will really appreciate a little howto


just use " AddPlasmoid " and then "Install New Widgets", in this list you will find the Sipgate-Plasmoid. But before it works you'll need python bindings fpr plasma. On debian systems this is the package: plasma-scriptengine-python

0 Affiliates
version 0.1.3
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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