All content is held locally on your pc (unlike my other plasmoids). Any feedback good or bad appreciated.
**To install, Remove previous versions (if necessary), download and:
plasmapkg -i jstetris.plasmoid
(you may need to rename the file to "jstetris.plasmoid" once downloaded or the installation may fail)
***UPDATE (19-10-09)***
JstetrisJava no longer works with KDE 4.3 and i see no point in fixing it as the original build works just fine. It has been removed.
***UPDATE (18-6-09)***
After some success with jstetrisJava on KDE 4.3x i have decided to drop jstetrisNoPY for the foreseeable future and split the project in two. The Jstetris build will be for KDE 4.2x only and jstetrisJava for KDE 4.3. I will give these packages separate pages here on KDE-LOOK to aid easy installation via the KDE add widget dialogue. I have also made some improvements in the javascript/HTML including a better defined puzzle area. Also the jstetrisJava resize issue should be fixed. The plasmoid should now open the correct size thanks to KDE-LOOK user "jmtodaro".
***UPDATE (17-6-09)***
After apparent problems people have been having with Aaron Seigo's "Zero code" approach i have rebuilt the plasmoid to use javascript instead of python also as described by Aaron. Unfortunately this also doesnt work on my 4.2 install so PLEASE TEST!!! The file you need is "jstetrisJava.plasmoid".
***UPDATE (16-6-09)***
After being pointed to Aaron Seigo's blog ( entry on my jstetris plasmoid and how python isn't actually needed to run the script, i have re-written it accordingly. Unfortunately this approach doesn't work (for me) in KDE 4.2 beta But should work in KDE 4.3 beta2 (and onwards).

Ratings & Comments
NoPY crashes plasma on kde 4.2.91 (beta 2). JS version works fine though. thanks.
Yup i have exactly the same problem. I run 4.2 also. :)
Hi! I can confirm JstetrisNoPY and JstetrisJava both seem to be working with my install of 4.3 beta 2 (Kubuntu Jaunty backport). However, JstetrisJava opens at a small size and needs to be enlarged manually. Upon inital install of NoPy, I had crashing Plasma-desktop issue, but upon rebuild of ~/.kde/ and ~/.qt/ everything is working fine. I would only suggest making the left edge more visible as I have a hard time telling where it is without sliding the piece all the way over. I also seemed to get a ton of repeats in a row at times (5+) but I suppose this could be intended behavior. Resizeability would be a nice feature too, but I'm sure that it is easier said than done =) Keep up the good work!
Hi and thanks for your feedback. Regarding what you said ... "I would only suggest making the left edge more visible as I have a hard time telling where it is without sliding the piece all the way over." could you email me a screenshot of this as i am not getting this problem (maybe a DefaultSize issue?). As far as the gameplay is concerned, i will be tweaking this as soon as the actual plasmoid is stable. I will also fix the hiscores as ATM they are not persistent. Thanks again!!! ;)
Hi and thanks for your feedback. Regarding what you said ... "I would only suggest making the left edge more visible as I have a hard time telling where it is without sliding the piece all the way over." could you email me a screenshot of this as i am not getting this problem (maybe a DefaultSize issue?). As far as the gameplay is concerned, i will be tweaking this as soon as the actual plasmoid is stable. I will also fix the hiscores as ATM they are not persistent. Thanks again!!! ;)
No problem, here is a screenshot to help clear things up! =) The default size issue affects JstetrisJava. JstetrisNoPY opens at the proper size.
Hi and thanks again for your response. I really cant see why its not resizing? In the "metadata.desktop" file contained in the plasmapkg i have put the argument "X-Plasma-DefautSize=340,350" which (in theory) should resize the plasmoid perfectly. Im thinking this may be a bug in plasma? Anyway i will continue to work to resolve this or at least workaround the issue. As for the left edge, i see what you mean now lol. I will try to fix this in the next few days. Thanks again! Tom
Hi The "left edge" is now fixed in 0.2 but unfortunately i still cant get jstetrisJava to resize correctly *groan* i may file a bug report soon as there is no reason i can see why it shouldn't resize.
Hi The "left edge" is now fixed in 0.2 but unfortunately i still cant get jstetrisJava to resize correctly *groan* i may file a bug report soon as there is no reason i can see why it shouldn't resize.
I believe I have solved the DefaultSize issue. Please see my comment on the jstetrisJava (for KDE 4.3) page.
well i can confirm and thxs for the help jstetrisjava is working fine but like the other poster said it does need to be resized but thats no big deal
Yup i have exactly the same problem. I run 4.2 also. :)
Sorry... Replied to wrong post lol.
well just tried it out and it now crashes plasma desktop i'm running opensuse 11.1 kde4.3 beta 2 and the first on now just gives me a blank plasmoid with nothing in it but beslimed finally started working after installing python-devel
Do you have kde-workspace installed as you need webkit to use jstetrisNoPY ;)
yes i do kde4-workspace kde4-workspace-devel both are installed
If beslimed now works, then the original (python) jstetris should now work as the method beslimed uses is exactly the same as jstetris.
i wish it was but all i get is a blank plasmoid now no error like before state something about python as you can see in the screenshot
I get: Installing the package /home/panzi/Desktop/106986-jstetris.plasmoid failed. And no further information why it failed. Also I had to change the file filter in the install dialoge because it didn't display the plasmoid in the first place (even though the filter did read "plasmoid" and thats the extension of the file).
PS: I use Ferdora 10 and KDE 4.2.3 and I have kdebase-workspace-python-applet installed.
KDE look renames the file so you have to rename it (as said above) to "jstetris.plasmoid" ;)
It *does* have a .plasmoid ending but it won't install.
This might be a long shot, but I installed from Plasma's "Add widget" dialog. At the bottom choose "install from local file". When the file chooser appears, find the *.plasmoid and click it just once. It will appear that nothing happens, but close the file chooser and wait a few seconds, and it should show up in the list of widgets. Not very intuitive, but it typically has worked for me with plasmoids that plasmapkg has problems with. Don't ask me why lol. Your mileage may vary. =) Good luck!
I tried it in all thinkable ways. However, I just noticed it IS installed despite the error message!
Oh and it's not the ".plasmoid" part that needs is the first part "jstetris.plasmoid" without all the numbers at the beginning.