my best icons
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Mostly based on "Mac-ish" theme + some icons mady by me.
improved folders in kde4
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
improved folders in kde4
Ratings & Comments
I very like them. But I can't download from host. Please upload to RS or MU host :((
plz reap sendspace.com or another *.com
Widzę, że ktoś w końcu stworzył zbiór najlepszych ikon pod kde. Bardzo dobra robota. Przed chwilą zainstalowałem i widzę w nich po części adrixa jak i nuvoxa. Moim zdaniem bardzo dobry pomysł. Czekam za aktualizacjami. Plus ode mnie. Pozdrawiam. Very good work. Mixed adrix and nuvox icons and many others. One of the best icons packages for the kde 3.5.x to me.
i install it and all its ok what do i have to do to all folder icons stop being the oxigen icons... all icons change except de folders...
well, it was mainly for kde3, but I'll tray improved it,
I've checked it, and I have no problem with it, folders are also changed, my system is OpenSuse 11.0 and kde4.2.2. so I don't know how to help you. Sorry
once again me:) I.ve checked it out once more and found what is wrong, Improved version is already uploaded
Good work, i like the icons :).... I will make a icon theme for kde4 so i need include some mimetypes of your theme, I can do that? P.D. Sorry for my bad english :(
I think u can while it is GPL... although thx for theese icons man.. great job ;) :D
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looks good, nice work
This doesn't take me to a downloadable link.
It works, you must scroll down and click Downlaod