FS Icons Ubuntu
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I know, advertisements are terribly boring, but accessing the download page via adf.ly you will be helping me maintain the project. You can also make a donation via PayPal at >> http://gnome-look.org/content/donate.php?content=147048
Many thanks to:
- Christopher Horton, for giving me some ideas for icons and make video tutorials
- Aditya Vaidya (kroq-gar78), stable and unstable PPA maintainer, and by packaging
FS Icons Ubuntu proposes a new look, smooth and modern icons for Ubuntu. Feel free to request more icons through Launchpad page >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/fs-icons-ubuntu.
Tested on Ubuntu and Kubuntu 12.04 and 12.10
FS Icons Ubuntu also has a Google+ page! Follow here: http://gplus.to/fsiconsubuntu
PPA is not working, we are verifying the problem. Install it manually, as described below
If you download via torrent, please, seed to help other users
0.6-alpha4 (Media Fire Server) >> http://adf.ly/G4IcB
0.5.2 >> https://launchpad.net/fs-icons-ubuntu/0.5/0.5.2/+download/fs-icons-ubuntu-0.5.2.tar.gz
INSTALLING (0.6-alpha series only)
(Many thanks to Christopher Horton)
Video tutorial >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unOtmfmvAKg
Installing Unoverridable icons video tutorial >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ1B50CI-DA
Before installing this version, remove / uninstall any previous version
Unoverridable icons includes:
- LibreOffice
- Desura
- Hplip tray icon
- Alarmclock
Do not worry, the icons will be installed only if their applications are installed.
1 - Extract file
2 - Give execute permission to fs-icons-ubuntu.sh file and run it
3 - The Script will guide you through the installation / setup / uninstall
4 - To install unoverridable icons (LibreOffice icons and HPLIP tray icon), rerun the installer script after installing the icons. The option is there
Version 0.6-alpha4
- Some app icons adjusted
- Some places icons adjusted
- Apps icons added: appearance, disc recorder, chronometer, print, desura, hardware, KDE plasma, telepathy-kde, users, login preferences
- InSync extra folder added
- Some actions icons added
- Some bugfixes in the script installer
Version 0.6-alpha3
- Android apk mimetype icon added
- Internet category icon changed
- Terminal icon changed
- Video player icon changed
- Apps icons added: calendar, sound converter, date time, clock, screensaver, gnome online accounts, nuvola player, ibus, shortcuts, file association
- Many bugfixes in the installer script
Version 0.6-alpha2
- Software center icon changed
- Lot of social network icons added
- Amazon store icon added
Version 0.6-alpha
- New variants
- Lot apps icons added/adjusted
- Lot mimetypes icons added/adjusted
- Lot status, panel and actions icons added/adjusted
- Unoverridable icons added (LibreOffice, HPLip, alarmclock and Software Center)
- Instalation/setup script added
Version 0.5.2
- Bugfix to Libre Office icons on Ubuntu Precise Pangolin
- Ajustment on Trash Icon
Version 0.5.1
- Bugfix to small trash icons
Version 0.5
- Shading adjustment in some icons;
- Added more 12 mimetypes icons
- Added more 1 devices icons
- Added more 15 places/extra icons
- Added more 13 apps icons
- Added 2 categories icons
- Added more 3 actions icons
Version 0.4
- Added Google Chrome icon;
- Various Action/Panel apps/Status icons added;
- Shading adjustment in some icons;
- More 7 mimetypes icons added;
- Redesign of python mimetype icon;
- More extra folders icons added.
Version 0.3
- Shading adjusted in some icons;
- More 4 mimetypes icons added;
- Some extra folders icons added.
Version 0.2
- New design;
- Icons adapted from the main project.
Ratings & Comments
Probé muchos Faenza, y siempre que me aburren vuelvo a usar estos (que nunca me cansan :P)
great work really beautiffful Thank you cann you make fs icons for arch little modification like adding arch logo instead of ubuntu in software center konsole etc ...
FS icon + joe theme pack make KDE look great :D
cery nice icon set
Thanks a lot, for this amazing work of yours.
Love it! What color scheme/Plasma theme are you using?
Hey there, here: Color Schemes: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17190485/FSIUMonoDarkCompatible.colors and https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17190485/FSIUMonoLightCompatible.colors The plasma theme is Aya with custom FS Icons Ubuntu adapted. I'll be providing these soon. Thnx ;)
Hi Frank. I notted you also "created" a theme for LibreOffice, replacing some icons of a pre-selected theme. I see also that is still a work in progress, so, my question is: Did you know about this: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/Whiteboards/Flat_icon_set ? LibreOffice Design Team has been trying to create a flat icon set for LibreOffice. May be you can share there your contribution, if you want of course, or maybe even use some of them to help you with your desings. Regards
It would be nice, however the FS icons created for LibreOffice follow the standards of this icon set. I think it would be more appropriate icons designed especially for LibreOffice. ;)
Hi Frank. I notted you also "created" a theme for LibreOffice, replacing some icons of a pre-selected theme. I see also that is still a work in progress, so, my question is: Did you know about this: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/Whiteboards/Flat_icon_set ? LibreOffice Design Team has been trying to create a flat icon set for LibreOffice. May be you can share there your contribution, if you want of course, or maybe even use some of them to help you with your desings. Regards
Very nice icons, but most are missing icons in the System Settings in KDE 4.9, almost all the icons are the same settings and it looks ugly. If you could add a new icon to the KDE, I would be very grateful to you, except that all the icons are beautiful.
As I said in prev comment, the icons still are not as complete, but almost all KDE actions icons were replaced, that was my focus in this release. I'm working on others. Don't worry ;)
Thanks for this beautiful icons theme There is a change to make in SH file to work in line 67 need to change path according to /home name (change frank) currentIconTheme=`kreadconfig --file /home/frank/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals --group "Icons" --key "Theme"` And some icons missing in configuration panel, see screenshot below http://breakolami.free.fr/config_panel.jpg And can you make an android .apk icon ? Thanks a lot
Thnak you for note, and the icons still are not as complete, but almost all KDE actions icons were replaced, that was my focus in this release. I'm working on others. Don't worry ;)
Ohh and I do not know how to make an apk icon theme.
Just make an icon like debian .deb icon but with android logo and according colors http://breakolami.free.fr/android_platform.png
Sorry, I thought you had suggested doing a icon theme for android. I'm stupid! I'll do this :)
You're not stupid, you just read too quickly :)
Fixed! :)
Android APK icon is very nice, thank you For me need to change line 434 because error message (images_ no such file or directory) Quote:for filename in `ls -f images_*.zip`
I change with that
Quote:for filename in `ls -f images_oxygen.zip`
And it works fine
And line 364
Quote:line 364 : cd: /usr/share/hplip/data/images/32x32/ no such file or directory
because hplip is not installed on my system (I don't have HP printer)
Well the error with LibreOffice is preventing the installation? The second, the error is ignored and the script process normally? If yes, this is what to do. The script makes the search for folders of certain applications to assess which unoverridable icons will be installed. If they do not exist, simply does not install.
Is this a KDE theme ?
Yes, too! Works in Unity and KDE nicely. Read description :)
Here, some screenshots https://plus.google.com/u/0/115946495390162911871/posts/aioc47WZDX6
Thank you for doing this theme!