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previously fuglyfolder.

Is a kde icon theme that changes the

Feel free to do whatev.

A lot of folders still missing, it will
inherit the seans leo-like icon theme.

Sean names every version of the
leo like theme different so its impossible
to inherit it when its updated,
so you need to edit this line in


to the name he has on it then.

If you dont have it installed then it
inherits oxygen.... ofc.

....I guess thats all, please insult me!



Ratings & Comments



Fine work again, man. Couple of follow-up questions concerning your screenshots: 1) I'm guessing you've tweaked your panels personally to mimic the AWN Lucido style; any tips on how to do that? Or, if it IS AWN, how'd you get the bespin global menu to work with it? 2) Is that gloobus-preview? I've failed to get that working nicely myself; any tips on that? Otherwise, if you don't wanna bother with my tedious bullshit, just take my thanks for the folder set. Take care!


Thx man! Well... the panels aren't plasma, and yes, is gloobus preview... well, I don't know, I just grabbed the latest stable tarball from the home page and compiled it, needs some libraries to compile, but the configure errors should point them out :) //Robert


Thanks for the info. I guess the info I was looking for was how to set up a hotkey combo to get a selected file onto the clipboard and open a gloobus window with one quick stroke; sorry for the lack of detail. I just switched over to KDE about six weeks ago, so I'm still trying to figure all this out. I'll see what I can figure out; if you could help me with the hotkeys, I'd appreciate it. Again, thanks a lot!!!!


Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, ic, well personally I only use gloobus to preview image files real quick, so I have just set it to be the default program for normal image types... ...I guess you could configure gloobus to be run when you press a certain keycombination, however, you'd still have to press ctrl+c, and then then the comb you set for gloobus, this would be fast enough for me, but, not sure if is for you :) //Robert


First: Thank you Rob for all these inspirering screenshots and for all your work! I also searched for a preview-tool and so I am happy that you showed me gloobus-preview. With this hint you can start gloobus-preview with one shortcut: 1) Install xdotools 2) create a script called or something like this in any folder. The content of the gloobus-preview script has to be: xdotool key "ctrl+c" gloobus-preview 3) Then in console do: sudo chmod a+x 4) Go to systemsetting --> shortcuts (in german its called: Kurzbefehle und Gestensteuerung) 5) There you have to add a new shortcut where you select your favourite key-combination (for me: Ctrl+Space) and the command to execute (the path to the Now you can select a file in dolphin and when you press Ctrl+Space, the gloobus-preview with the file you selected starts. Hope this helps! Best regards!


Come on Rob, you know your at the stage in your life where nothing will satisfy you, other than making a full icon theme ;) Your our only hope :)


Hehe, thx! well, the thing is, I did this folder just to see if I could if I wanted to :) Gonna try and make a whole icon theme tho, and it's the bespin icons :) //Robert


I look forward to it, and good luck!


Just checked out a tutorial to make ONE icon with inkscape...time frame ONE HOUR. I might as well forget a leolike svg theme then.


My thoughts exactly when Thomas told me that all the bespin icons would be done in inkscape ;-) but once you get a little used to it you make icons a lot faster then in gimp. Plus, you get the scaling benefit. What is it that you have the most trouble with?


I like your works


Thx! Glad to hear. Mostly experimenting tho.


Sorry but a few problems with your last link


Thats weird, uploaded on kde-look and works fine here, it is the download button thats not workin right?


Not just change the icons in systray. In white or Clear gray mod ^^


Superb theme Rob. I liked your theme Fugly look forward this theme ^ ^ Many of you Washufeng


Thx man! Hmm, you mean you liked the previous version better? really? This is the first version I'm even a little happy with myself..... you don't like the sand effect? //Robert


I really liked your first version and I like the effect just sand. I am impressed by your work. ^ ^ Especially since I am a true cock-building theme of icons. I'm a fan of gray icons. The same version with clear icons to the system tray and is perfect for my Dark themes: p Ps: Sorry for my english ^ ^


Great! So I take it you dont want any changes then? Yeah tray icons is a little tricky tho, as the icons shown in the tray are also used elsewhere where one would not like a monochrome icon, plus I'm supposed to be workin on the bespin icon theme so I guess this theme will not become any bigger... ...was mostly an experiment anyways, wanted to see if I could make a decent folder icon in inkscape :)


Great stuff....


Thx! mostly experimenting tho :)


what a fugly piece of art :) I like it :)


indeed ;-) thx!


Solid work, almost slightly Token-style with the emblems. Still got the mad skills. /izo\


Hehe, thx! I'm not at all happy with them tho, hence the "fuglyfolder" name ;-) What I'm looking for is insults like: "fu, fix the bottom, the dark line there doesnt make any sense" or similar ;-)

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

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