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Evolvere Icon theme [DUPLICATE]
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

0 Affiliates
license Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike
version 0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1
More Full Icon Themes from franksouza183:
Other Full Icon Themes:
System Tags
An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.
If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.

Ratings & Comments
Perfect icon-theme ! Thanks .
thanks for suite evolvere, please when you can Might add teamviewer, zulucrypt, clamtk, Jdownloader, yacreader, Heroes Of Newerth, cadsoft Eagle, cinelerra, Amule, PAC, jitsi, Tixati..
Tried grabbing the zip archive. Had to stop it at 620MB. Can't afford these massive files.
Thank you for your nice work (also kvantum, qtcurve, plasma theme). Can't download flat vivid icons. And would you please make icons for kmymoney and gnucash?
Are you trying download it via zip file? If so, I strongly recommend that you download through cloning. At the end of this page has instructions on how to do this: https://github.com/franksouza183/EvolvereSuit About your requests, could you please do it here? https://github.com/franksouza183/EvolvereSuit/issues Many thanks for commenting ;)
Actually I tried: svn checkout https://github.com/franksouza183/EvolvereSuit/tree/master/icons/evolvere-flat-vivid-sunken Well, your suit is 500 MB! and my internet traffic are a little expensive!
So much nice! Thank you again. (I cloned your suit, git command downloaded it as a compressed file that was only 128 MB. My scrooge soul is satisfied!)
You're welcome! And to upgrade is even more wonderful, just give a "git pull" ;) Cheers
Hi, I downloaded your ZIP from Github and moved the icon folders to my ~/.kde/share/icons, but KDE doesn't find them.
Ok, with GIT CLONE it works, but downloading the ZIP doesn't work. It seems the symlinks won't be created correctly.
Yes, seems to be some problem related to GitHub
When I download from github, there's no Flat Vivid Sunken in the zip file. Also, when I try to download the folder using svn checkout, it says it doesn't exist.
Hi, thanks for commenting, please try cloning the repo: On terminal: git clone https://github.com/franksouza183/EvolvereSuit
Oi Frank, apenas me registrei para comentar pelo maravilhoso trabalho que vem fazendo no evolvere. Parabéns, está lindo no meu KDE, obrigado!!
Thanks but I downloaded the icons and copied on: .kde4/share/icons , .local/share/icons , /usr/share/icons , but KDE does not detect
You moved each folder, of each icon theme for these locations? You can provide a screenshoot with the folders you moved? And what is your distribution / version? everything seems ok here, I can't reproduce this error
Ok, I downloaded from GitHub project and saw the error, seems a problem there. When I downloaded the zip file, some files were missing, however, the github page, the same files are displayed. I'm looking for another solution, maybe provide separate download for each variant.
Yes, I downloaded from GitHub in a zip file too. Thanks in advance for the solution and for your great job!
I downloaded with git clone and everything works fine. Thanks so much, very beautiful job!
Some icon variants are missing their index.theme file and system setting doesn't detect them
The problem affected only blue-folders and has been fixed. Thanks for the feedback
Is the project abandoned or just paused? I really like your work
Hey @marchin, just paused! I am busy on a project that consumes me all the time, and I can not give full attention to evolvere now. Anyways, I have no intention of abandoning, I love it. This is the project I'm focused on the moment: https://github.com/ViaEletronica/viacms, has you see, nothing related to design. Thanks for asking and interest.
Well, i couldn't what is about your project (i'm not too experienced with GitHub). But i wish you best of lucks with that :)
Hey, I'm back ;)