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This is Flamenco icon theme (formerly known as "Orange Tango BC Edition").

For now it's using the following icons:
- Tango Desktop Project icons
- Orange Tango from Ubuntu
- lots of icons I made, mostly using above icons
- gnome-power-manager tango by dcubed20
- tango-common icons from Ubuntu

The goal of this theme is to replace most of Crystal SVG icons (default KDE icon theme), but not all of them - it won't replace Crystal icons that fits to Flamenco theme.

No patch against KDE libs needed.
This is regular icon theme for KDE 3.5!

It's hard to say when it will be complete, because Tango icons are right now far from being complete icon set (and most of Flamenco icons comes from Tango) and because I'm doing KDE specific icons in my free time.

This is 0.x release. Many icons are missing right now!

Icons creators wanted!
If you made some KDE icons that fits to this set (or tango in general) and You want to make them part of Flamenco, send it to me (remember: you have to release them on the same license as my theme and Tango Project icons and provide SVG and png for smaller sizes).


This is last stand alone version. Starting with new release it will depend on BC Tango KDE theme ( and it will be only additional icon pack for BC Tango theme. Most user shouldn't notice the diference, expact they will have to install also BC Tango theme in order to have nice looking desktop.

As usual, I'm looking for mirror. Right now it's available through only, which has a very limited number of downloads. So please - mirrorize it, if you can!
Update: Finally I have stable, reliable and fast server. Thanks to
Last changelog:

04-04-2007 (0.6):
- from this version Flamenco is only additional set for "BC Tango KDE", so you should install this theme if you want to have consistent desktop

12-12-2006 (0.5 "Folders!"):
- folders, folders and more folders
- new IM icons (Psi, Kadu, Twinkle)
- icons for other apps (KAudioCreator, KNotes, SuperKaramba etc.)
- more icons for KMenu
- some additional mimetypes icons
- k3b icons
- new OK button icon
- some clean up and some fixes
- additional icons for Kubuntu

29-09-2006 (0.4.20):
- fixed theme name
- included "links" file with links to tango themes for additional programs (OOo, GIMP, Firefox)
- added "credits" file
- fixed toolbar arrows in small (16x16,22x22) sizes
- new, more intuitive icon for PDF files
- new apps icons from Ubuntu's Tango-common icons
- small size folders
- many new devices icons
- new unmounted hdd icon to make it possible to tell the diference between
mounted and unmounted hdd
- no more symlinks(?) = no problems with kcontrol
- new actions icons (button ok, button cancel, spell check etc.)
- removed some GNOME/GTK+ specific icons (they are useless)
- other, small changes

29-08-2006 (0.4 beta):
- first publice release
- complete icon set for amaroK (without app icon)! See second screenshot.
- many, many new icons!
- 16x16 and 22x22 toolbar icons (don't try to use bigger toolbar icons because most of them are missing at the moment)

- first public preview

Ratings & Comments



Probably best icon theme ever :) I'd prefer KDE shipped with Flamenco and the family instead of another variation on blue-glossy-crystal-vista


Hey, awesome assembly! Great thanks for putting this together! Was a bit puzzled for a while why the toolbar buttons are not allowed to be more than 22 pixels. Looked into the theme file, and, of course, the allowed sizes for the toolbars were 16,22. Be a pal, add 32 to the lists, so the future generations would be puzzled like me. Thx for the work.


I would rather not, because there are to many missing icons in 32x32 and above sizes.


which program you have used for having the wifi progress bar? Thanks


This is just SuperKaramba theme; I can publish it, if you want.


Many thanks ;)


e the icons on menu just are giant, I don't know why


which menu? KMenu or apps menu? Everything looks ok on my computer.


kmenu. They look like 256*256 or even bigger (I can take a screenshot if needed). Using Ubuntu Edgy.


This is weird, because I've tested theme on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), and everything looks ok.

bobrik 0.5.tar.gz Enjoy ane more time =)


It doesn't work anymore :(


PLD rulez and your icon theme does too! :)


In the filesystems directories you have various folder icons for a picture folder, music folder, document folder etc etc. However these are all orange folders. Would it be possible to create these, but also using the blur folder. Then users could have choice between using orange custom folders or blue custom folders. Michael.


Heh! It's funny, because I currently work on this:) and I promise: there will be a lot of folders in next release.


Could you use the current package_games.png icon for package_games_card.png and use input-gaming.png for package_games.png, please? Also, could you replace package_editors.png with accessories-text-editor.png, please?


Sorry, but no. Flamenco tries not to interfere with Tango and those icons are comes from there.


i visted your web-site but i donot know the langauge, can you support it in english too?!


How about clicking on the UK flag?


I installed the theme by kcontrol and now, when I open kde applications I get a lot of "libpng error: Read error" and very few icons are showed (most of the others are left completely blank..) Does someone have an hint ?


Yes, it looks like a kcontrol have some problems with symlinks. You have to manually extract archive to ~/.kde/share/icons and it should works. Next release (coming soon) will reduce (maybe to 0) number of symlinks in icon theme.


Now it perfectly works, thanks ! It's my kde icon theme, now ! What about a blue tango version, also ? The standard Tango release lacks too many icons..


I will probably do regular Tango version, when this one will be more complete than now. It should be easy, because basically it's only a matter of changig folder icons.

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version 0.6
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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.