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Description:a folder icon... then... naah.. it's very very very
very very very incomplete so test this ONLY if
you are a tad bit suicidal.
19.08 0.1 : installable package
16.08 more icons. added my bespin config file.
Ratings & Comments
Could you please give a full configuration of what is on the screenshot? What is the desktop theme, especially those three dots to close minimize ... Is it emerald theme or something? I'd like to reproduce it completely.
Hey guy what's the name of your desktop theme I love it! Did you use QtCurve? If you have it please give me the name of this theme? I'll be very grateful! PS: good icons thx mate ;)
Robert! First Slickness, then Crapsta and now these... You are epic. Now i am on KDe too, but i want, i need, I desire with all my soul your Bespin config!!! Would you be awesome and upload it please?? pretty please? Great job man, i love it. Kind regards
Whops man! I just read this I'm sorry but I don't have that config anymore.. ..I dumped this project and now I'm working on a new one with Thomas Lübking. Screenshot here: http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/3097/shothk.png I you want one of the configs you see there I'll be happy to provide. Thx for the major compliments tho :D //Robert
Nice icons you got in there! of course i'll like to get that config< :P Kind regards
Thx! heres the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/288680480/main-style.bespin.html have phun! //Robert
Thanx bro, love it. Also, i'm seeing you got a set of icons coming to bespin if i'm not wrong, if so, let me know if i can be any help. Check my gnome set "Smokikons flare" Fully on inkscape, from scratch. Offcourse now i'm on kde, so i got nothing to work on. In any case, thank you very much.
cool! I mentioned this to thomas.. he said he's gonna contact you... if you were serioius on wanting to help that is :) we do need help //Robert
Hey, can you upload that config again. It seems to have already been downloaded 10 times, so I can't download it anymore. Thanks
That screenshot is breath-taking! :D Your icons are great, they fit in perfectly with the rest of the theme and style in this screenshot. It might well be the best theme i have ever seen - Mac, Windows or Linux.
Thx man! you're too kind, I don't know nothing about making icons :D //Robert
the first kde4 icon-theme what i like!!! thank buddy :)
Thx man! Glad you like it, if you see somehting that looks out of place will you let me know, yes?
What I see! The king rob is making icons! I told you long time ago you've got great ideas! :) Keep working - it can be very very nice! Take care Robert :)
Hehe! Thx man! This is the first time I have a go at making something little more advanced than a push-button. I made it to complement the bespin theme.... ..as bespin theme has very clear artwork with very little gizmos and stuff, so I thought that an icon set that is very simple should blend in well. Plus one has to think that the icons should look clear scaled down also, and icon sets that have a very advanced look tend to have problems scaling down. tho in bespin, every shape is round, here I never use roundness on anything, I think bespin has enough roundness :D How about your evolve icons???
I'm not using bespin because it's too complicated? - the more elements appear the more unreadable whole f. ex. window looks. Oxygen (Ozone) style looks more more simple and I think the detailed icon fills the environment effect :) But that's my point of vision. I'm bringin' back the Evolve to life! :D Well - there is so much to do (Robert - probably you've noticed that fact) but I'm glad doing this :) Take care and best wishes Robert!
Yeah, your absolutely right about icons need to have details, otherwize one wouldn't know what the icon means. What I men't was that too much little detail tend to vanish when scaling icons down let's say 128 -> 16 px, I think good icons should be as clear when 128 as it is when scaled to 16 px. I'm no icon designer (or any other designer for that matter) I just do this for fun. Glad to hear you are developing the evolve icons again, they really are in a whole other league than these. Tho we seem to have similar taste in color and shape! laters! //Robert
Good icons. but where is your Bespin config ?
Thx... yeah, sorry bout that, it got left out when I made the installable package..... I'll include it in the next version.
I really like your bespin config. Any chance you could upload it?
thx, sure, when I update this, I'll include the config file.
I'm the author of Kicons They are wonderful, could i put them in Kicons 0.5? : D
I'm the author of Kicons They are wonderful, could i put them in Kicons 0.5? : D
Hi mate! course you can! They are gpl. Kicons is really great, You must have some serious gimping skills man! I especially like the folder icon, goes really good bespin! I'm glad you like them //Robert