Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

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A new look, smooth and modern, for your Linux workspace. It works in both Gnome as KDE. I'm slowly working on this icons project, with the aim of making it look more pleasing to our beloved Tux. Feel free to solicit me for more icons through comments.

- Gnome
- Humanity
- Humanity Dark
- Ubuntu Mono Dark
- Ubuntu Mono Light
- Oxygen


For any combination to work, you must have installed the main theme "FS Icons", which contains the main theme icons, and of course, the theme you want to make the combination, such as Gnome, Oxygen, Humanity, etc.



1- Extract the zip file anywhere;
2- Extract all files tar.gz extracted from zip file;
3a- To Gnome workspace, go to your personal folder and enable viewing of hidden files, move the folders created in the last extraction to ".icons" (without quotes) directory (create this if there no).
3b- To KDE workspace, go to your personal folder and enable viewing of hidden files, go to .kde/share/icons and move the folders created in the last extraction;
3c- To all workspaces and users, move as root the folders created in the last extraction to /usr/share/icons;
4- Access your icon theme manager and select the FS Icons style that best matches your workspace.

or watch the video tutorial >>

Thank you for downloading


Um novo visual, suave e moderno para seu espaço de trabalho Linux. Testado nos ambientes Gnome e KDE. Eu estou trabalhando neste projeto aos poucos com simples objetivo de dar um visual mais agradável ao nosso amado pinguin. Sinta-se a vontade em solicitar-me mais ícones através dos comentários.

- Gnome
- Humanity
- Humanity Dark
- Ubuntu Mono Dark
- Ubuntu Mono Light
- Oxygen


Para que qualquer combinação funcione, você deve ter instalado o tema principal "FS Icons", o qual contém os principais ícones do tema, e claro, o tema ao qual deseja fazer a combinação, como o Gnome, Oxygen, Humanity, etc.



Assista o vídeo tutorial >> , ou siga os passos abaixo:

1- Extraia o arquivo zip em qualquer lugar;
2- Agora extraia todos os arquivos .tar.gz extraídos do arquivo zip;
3a- Para o ambiente Gnome, acesse sua pasta pessoal e ative a visualização de arquivos ocultos, então mova os diretórios criados nas últimas extrações para o diretório ".icons" (sem as aspas) (crie o diretório se este não existir);
3b- Para o ambiente KDE, acesse sua pasta pessoal e ative a visualização de arquivos ocultos, vá para pasta .kde/share/icons então mova os diretórios criados nas últimas extrações;
3c- Para todos os ambientes e usuários, acesse como root o diretório /usr/share/icons, então mova os diretórios criados nas últimas extrações para este local;
4- Abra seu gerenciador de temas de ícones favorito e selecione um dos estilos FS Icons que melhor combina com seu espaço de trabalho.

Obrigado por baixar
Last changelog:

Version 0.7
- Added icon for skype;
- Added icon for video file types;
- Status icons updated;
- Video folder updated;
- Added Simple inherits in Oxygen Combination;
- Some fixes in index.theme files.

Version 0.6
- Added icons for some main types of document files and executable files.

Version 0.5
- Added icons to .deb and .rpm package file types;
- Added icons to more 4 compressed file types;
- Added icon to Firefox.

Version 0.4
- Added icons to more 4 compressed file types;
- Added icon to Pidgin.

Version 0.3
- Added icons for .ZIP, .RAR and generic package files, Terminal and System Monitor
- Hard disks icons changed
- Added more 3 styles

Version 0.2
- Added icon for File System
- Added Hard disk icon, which covers 7 other icons
- Desktop icon changed

Ratings & Comments



Found some more nice icon folders. Nice work.



refused@slackware:fs-icons$ ls */* actions/128: actions/16: actions/22: actions/256: actions/32: actions/48: actions/64: actions/scalable: animations/scalable: apps/128: apps/16: apps/22: apps/24: apps/256: apps/32: apps/48: apps/64: apps/scalable: categories/128: categories/16: categories/22: categories/32: categories/48: categories/64: categories/scalable: devices/128: devices/16: devices/22: devices/256: devices/32: devices/48: devices/64: devices/scalable: emblems/16: emblems/22: emblems/24: emblems/32: emblems/48: emblem-shared.icon* mimetypes/128: text-x-preview.icon* mimetypes/16: mimetypes/22: mimetypes/256: text-x-preview.icon* mimetypes/32: mimetypes/48: mimetypes/64: mimetypes/scalable: text-x-preview.icon* places/128: places/16: places/22: places/256: places/32: places/48: places/64: places/scalable: status/128: status/16: status/22: status/256: status/32: status/48: status/64: status/scalable:


the same with fs-icons-gnome-style.tar.gz... be careful before uploading empty stuff :P


Yes, it's clean, but are nonetheless important, does not exclude them, these are topics for other combinations, you must have installed on your machine the respective icon themes, in this case, Oxygen.


what is the point? I already use oxygen and the icon set is empty


can you send me some screenshots? 'll give you my email via PM.


fixed installing the basic theme. thanks, keep up the good work!


I executed procedure written without results. The theme didn't appear on system settings. I'm using kde 4. Regards.


watch the video tutorial >>

0 Affiliates
license Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike
version 0.7
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.