MaK-LionTaste Icons

Full Icon Themes

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Hey guys, I'm sorry that I didn't updated for this long. I moved the project to Github:
So please, if you like, modify and fix the theme as you like

-If you download from GitHub you will have to uncompress the .zip file in order to see the .tar.gz pack that contains the iconset.

Additionally I've updated the external server links, so we have some mirrors now.

btw. I have a blog now , pero en español: and new deviant art profile
New Download Links available (july 2013)

Updated to Version 0.36a
Version May 2012 ...this are the news:

-Fixed: reformed "index.theme".
Error "KConfigIni: In file /home/user/.kde4/share/icons/Mak-LionTaste-025/index.theme, line 29: " Invalid entry (missing '=')" SOLVED. Thank you atragor for reporting it.
-Fixed: Wrong icon in mouse pointer configuration.
-Added: missed actions and mimetypes where added. However some of them are still non-modded. Taken from the gorgeous KFaenza work, as you might see.
-Apps added. Among them, firefox-nightly, jdownloader, okular modded version.
-Added: Symbolic linking work started up. I would say that I did only the 15% of what have to be done... however this version was originally 70mb (WTF!!!) and now is 58mb. On my favor, I have to say that this is the result of an additive proposal of works like Faenza, Elementary, Gnome, Oxygen, Kfaenza and Leo-like... making it one of the most complete (AND BIG jajaja) iconsets that I used.

-Added: NEW MIMETYPES. I made 3 messed up alternatives, jajaja. Depending on your opinion will follow one or another. 1st alt: square paper + icon. 2nd alt: long paper + icon. 3rd alt: long darker paper + icon. So, please comment!!!
Note: I will follow one of the three alternatives, if you dont like any of them, probably you may still using versions less than 0.25. I will try to mantain them online.

TO-DO for version 0.36: *Symbolic Linking. *Mimetypes style definition and construction. *more apps (requests opened: if would like to see a new app icon in the set,just ask for it... I will try to find/mod an icon that matches this proposal).

Ok guys, as you probably know this is my first collaboration for th KDE community... It is an experiment, clearly inspired in some OSX Lion and Faenza (Faience) flavors, but really trying to apply a dual-like style: Menues and buttons on one side, folders and apps on the other.
The idea is similar to the Dual-Taste deprecated theme for gnome 2 that I made a while ago.

A few important things:
-I am not a icon designer.
-If you dont like it... dont use it. Just dont bother me (US) about the Mac-ish / KDE look controversy please.
-Modded a bunch of icons, specially the ones from faience in order to get the desired "eye effect". Also modded a lot of stuff in color and shape. I didn't designed any of them from scratch. I'm just a customizer that want to share a home-made work.

So... try it, and share your impression, if you want..


Ps. Sorry, it is heavy. ~58mb of download.
ps2. Also in
ps3. Seguime en Taringa!

Realted stuff:
The theme:
Color Aqua:
Color Graphite:
The wall:

·Toolbar@Dolphin: In order to get the theme work properly, Dolphin toolbar have to be configurated at default size (medium 24x24) or small (16x16).
·KDE 4.7 ~ 4.8 issues: you may have weard icon configuration (although the theme will work properly, the "figure" may not "match" with the "button function" in a exact way)... that is because 4.8 has different functions for the same icons, and the set was configured to be used in 4.8+.
·Workaround to change the KDE Start Button @KDE4.7: For changing the icon, right click on the button, "launcher preferences", and the you have to go to the "places" categories in order to choose your distro button -"lugares" in spanish-. Check it, there are a lot of them.
Last changelog:

Updated to 0.36
May, 26th - 2012
-Fixed: reformed "index.theme".
Error "KConfigIni: In file /home/user/.kde4/share/icons/Mak-LionTaste-025/index.theme, line 29: " Invalid entry (missing '=')" SOLVED. Thank you atragor for reporting it.
-Fixed: Wrong icon in mouse pointer configuration.
-Added: missed actions and mimetypes where added.
-Apps added. Among them, firefox-nightly, okular modded version.
-Added: Symbolic linking work started up.

Updated 0.25(a)
March 30.
-AUR and CCR Packages updated to 0.25. Thank you sermonpe!!!
Updated 0.25
March 27.
-Several apps added. Some of them replaced from previous versions. Crystalizing apps in this version. From now on, only adding those who wasn't added or modded in the theme until now.
-Transparent start button added, for minimalism lovers.
- Dolphin toolbar milestone, acomplished. Read more in the updated description.
- More mininal (Faience) icons incorporation. Several fixes of the awful 0.21 version.
--fixes: dolphin, kwright, right button con dolphin over folders and files, okular. If you something weard, please notify. Still work to do in replacements (priority: desktop and dolphin menues -root, open with, etc).
Between 12 March.Feb2012 (Initial release), 6 updates made. I erased them because I hate the waste of space on that stuff.

The main references for this work are Faenza and Faience, aditionally:
the Lion Icons:
Leo-Like Icons:
Swirl Finder:
Etched Icons:
Brushed Metal:
The Oxygen Project, of course:
(...and more, that I will keep posting here in the following updates...)
Special Thanks:
I want to thanks the guys from, an awesome blog about linux in spanish, for giving me space to host this icontheme. Muchas gracias chicos! Y, bueno, si no conocen el blog, visitenlo que está buení­simo
To Sermonpe (@kde-look) to create and update the AUR and CCR (Chakra) packages. I really appreciate your collaboration

Ratings & Comments



Como lograste modificar dolphin y el tema de esa forma? se puede descargar? gracias!


Hola! Si, el tema está en kde-look. Lo único que te vas a tener que instalar la engine bespin para correrlo. Pero creo que ahora está fñacilmente disponible en todas distros kde (chakra & kaos). Para el panel de dolphin, lo podés arrastrar literalmente para cambiarlo de posición y que te quede así :) Èccole:


Just wanted to tell you that. Great work. :) I used your github links to apply your themes. Go themers. :)


Thank you very much :) (yeah, I changed my username je) An update should come in the next weeks. Cheers!


hi. getting this response from github .. '(Sorry about that, but we can't show files that are this big right now)' ????


weard... I've just checked and it works. Try opening a terminal and pasting: wget Let me know please :) (you will get a file named that, once unzipped, contains the icontheme in a tar.gz format)


Check links plz. I can not download. Thanks.


new download links :)


Thanks bro. Nice icons btw. Keep up the good work.


Hi, please check the links, because they're are broken.




I am using KDE again and the first thing I did was install your icon theme. It is awesome, thanks. Will you provide updates any time soon? The project used to have a lot of updates back then, and now we don't have any in months. I hope you come back to the project soon, that would be great. Thanks again for this great work.


updated links, and probably I'll come back to tune up a little bit the theme. The idea is to fix the mimes and touch some details. The thing is I'm fascinated with Elementary OS jeje. :P


tried to access desdelinux download. 404 error, page not here or may benever existed, gator host says.


download the last version from here


Que increible pack de iconos, estoy trabajando en el para los usuarios de Fedora que aman Caledonia y mac solo para usuarios de Fedora y la verdad me gustaría poder ponerme en contacto contigo para poder darle los toques finales y publicarlo


PD: no tengo experiencia ni se como ccrear iconos pero parece que tu si, podría apoyar con las ideas artisticas y tu con su ediión y formar un equipo para esto saludos


Bueeeno! Muchas graciaaaas!!!! Por supuesto, contá con mi ayuda para lo que necesites. Hace unos meses que estoy desaparecido, tuve unas entregas y unos exámenes bastante duros... Lo que necesites, a tu disposición. Espero sin embargo volver a juntar algo de tiempo para dedicarle a los íconos, ya que tengo un final de año bastante cargado de tareas :) Mandame un mensaje privado y te paso mi mail :)


Hola, parece que hay problemas con las descarga desde el servidor de Ahora solo están los ficheros de la versión 0.25.

KZKG-Gaara erosennin, amigo hicimos unos cambios en el servidor y las descargas cambiaron, estaba esperando a que me contactaras por email pero al parecer has estado ocupado, cuando puedas escríbeme un email para darte los datos de acceso al FTP.


This is my favorite icon theme yet. I like everything about it...even the file update icon...just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work...


man, thank you so much. :) I'm very glad you like it, i will try to continue in it's improvement to make it better, nicer, and more complete. Cheers! :D


Veo que tienes globalmenu, de donde lo compilaste?


Hola! No compilé nada en mi actual sistema... en Kubuntu 11.10 hay unos paquetes en los repos. El tercer paquete es para capturar los menues de libreoffice. sudo apt-get install appmenu-qt indicator-appmenu lo-menubar Espero te sirva! Un saludo :)


It seems there is unneccessary line break in index.theme: "KConfigIni: In file /home/user/.kde4/share/icons/Mak-LionTaste-025/index.theme, line 29: " Invalid entry (missing '=')" Don't know whether it affects something, but since KDE complains I think it's worth fixing.

0 Affiliates
version 0.36a
downloads 24h 1
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.