BC Tango KDE
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It's more than regular theme because it can be use (and it is - by Flamenco for example) as base theme for other icon themes - read more below.
This theme provides many icons (over 3500) - almost 100 folders icons, app specific icons (for amarok, k3b) etc.
You can also download matching GTK+2 theme and Color Scheme for KDE (looks nice with Plastik and Lipstik themes and probably QtCurve).
From v.0.6 BC Tango KDE becames base icon theme. What does it mean? Well, let's say you want to make your own tango-like icon theme, but you don't want to make entire icon set (which mean hundreds of icons) or syncing icons from BC Tango KDE with every new release. So guess what? Now you don't have to! Just put this line: "Inherits=bctangokde" in index.theme and all missing icons from your theme will be automatically completed by BC Tango KDE icons! Now making Tango-like icons for KDE is easier than ever!
0.7 "Smooth Criminal" (08-01-200:
- kopete is now almost completly tangoified
- more fixes in 32x32 icons
- added missing icons from bctango-addon by chaotic
- additional icons for GTK+2.0 apps
- GTK+2.0 themes updated to make your desktop more consistent
- icons for wine
- icons for gwenview
- more icons for digikam
- icons for kontact
- more icons for ktorrent
- some fixes
15-04-2007 (v.0.6 "Kubuntu touch"):
- icons for ktorrent
- folder_video_yellow fixed - thanks Nick!
- fixed many 32x32 icons
- additional icons based on Nick Bolten suggestion - thanks!
- icons for kmail
- many icons made specially for Kubuntu; Now Kubuntu users should have much more consistent desktops
- new icons for couple apps (gwenview, ktorrent, etc.)
- many new "actions" icons (including, finally, arrows icons)
- icons for KPDF - almost complete tangoified
- some clean ups
- fixed permissions for large icons
- fixed some icons for digiKam
- new link to better OpenOffice theme (made by Jimmac)
- only 16x16 and 22x22 toolbar size is available (because we don't have enough icons for larger toolbars anyway)
12-12-2006 ("Folders!"):
- 1st public release
Ratings & Comments
9 +
Tuxfamily do not appear to be hosting this any more. Anyone got a copy of this? If you need hosting I can provide.
I'm just wondering why you are doing this again... Could everybody who uses Tango icon themes look at http://www.kde-look.org/comments/add.php?type=1&forumpage=-1&content=50036 This is _complete_ Tango based icons theme with _much_ more icons and a lot of extras.
Uh... your link is just to making a comment on this page. Are you referring to the kdemod set? I believe much of it is derived from this one...
hi...great work! there are some projects to port tango icon on KDE4? i don't like oxygen iconset...
I keep getting a 403 (Forbidden) error when I try to download the package from your site.
Nevermind, all systems nominal now. ;)
This is icon very nice... Thank you
Excellent job! Please continue improving this icon pack...
These are the greatest icons to me, been using them from months, since 0.5. However I'm a debian users, therefor iceweasel user, and is there any way you release an update, with new look of iceweasel icon, cuz current one is kinda ... there's a whole bunch that are way cooler than current one. Thanks *thumbs up
Forget that silly Iceweasel nonsense. Just download the real Firefox from getfirefox.com. :)
Iceweasel nonsense? I guess you have absolutelly no idea what you are talking about.
Hi, this is the best assembly for the Tango icons I have seen. Thank you! Is there a way of changing the default folder colours from blue to something else?
Thanks a lot for the great icons! Is that kde 3.5.x? If so, could you tell me which window decorator you're using in the second screenshot? Also, how did you get the K menu to look like that on the left, behind the icons? Is that the standard kde menu? Thanks a lot.
Second screenshot shows Kubuntu 7.04 aka Feisty Fawn with KDE 3.5.6 and standard Kmenu (I've only set background color). As for Window decoration it's a emerald theme (window manager for beryl) known as Dark Light.
Sorry to ask again; could you please help me find where to change the color of the background, in that case? I cannot find it in the control center (colors section), nor could I find anything googling around. Or could you post your color theme with the gray menu? I think the darker shade of gray behind the icons makes the kde menu look a lot better! Thanks for your work!
with the new logout-screen in kubuntu-feisty I miss a "tango-style hibernate-button" And I found one :) small: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gnome-session-dialog/gnome-session-dialog/hibernate.png big: http://www.manucornet.net/ubuntu/JPEG/Hibernate.png I put the small version into 48x48/actions and here we go: old: http://img300.imageshack.us/my.php?image=oldjv4.png new: http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=newhd5.png It would be cool if you could include that one :)
Is it GPL or CC? Because unfortunately I can't include GPL'd icons in CC BY-SA icon set.
dont know but gpl I'm afraid :(
great work on assembling this one, looks real slick. keep up the good work :-)
thank you all, for positive feedback
thank you!
Thank you for your work. Please continue!