This icon theme is a compilation of a few icon themes and a few sparse icons
found on and It is by no means complete
but hopefully (in time) it will be. The theme is based on the reflection icon set by styrizo ( and has
been enhanced with the minimal
perception set
by mandarancio
,the Black and White icon theme by carpelinx
and the ecqlipse icon set by
Credit is also given to the people involved in the Ekisho project, Jonas Rask,
Everaldo, Mike Moschini and hammergom

some of their icons are used in this theme.
I also included the openoffice reflection icons by a-RIP
( so that the
theme is more uniform.
Moreover, the Kile icon used for kicker is from andrD

Konsole icon from rowancompsciguy
( and the KnetworkManager signal bars are taken from Krakatoa (
The script used to convert the icons is based on the one for Ekisho_Project.
I have created two mimetype icon sets, a black and a white. I could not decide
which one I preferred so I uploaded both. You will also find the original
mimetype icons based on the Black and White Icon set.
The above creative authors have produced and keep doing an amazing work so I
wish to thank them and express my gratitude for granting me their permission to
create and share this compilation
theme. Thank you!
1) Extract the downloaded file
2) cd Black_Reflections
3) run ./build_set (you will be asked to choose the colour of the mimetypes)
4) Use Kcontrol to install the created tar package.
Ratings & Comments
Can't have System tray icons matching the icons set. Here's what I do: 1. Run 'install_ptheme' script from the distribution; 2. Choose an existing theme. Note: there is no "Air" theme, in the list, so I choose "default"; not sure if it's right.. 3. Leave suggested name for new theme: "Reflektions" as is; 4. Open System settings -> there is no "Reflektions" plasma theme in the list. How could I have it working? -- KDE 4.10 @ Archlinux
I've noticed, however, that I have "Reflektions" folder in the "~/.kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/", so I've put a "metadata.desktop" file into this folder (copied from another custom theme: Produkt and then adjusted a bit), and then the "Reflektions" theme became available in the systemsettings. When I choose it, however, I get some strange theme full of semitransparent areas. So, I've chosen "Air" again, and then "Fine-tuned" it to display Icons from "Reflections" theme. My issue is solved, but I think that "install_ptheme" requires some extra love to make this stuff automatically.
Hello, You are probably right, it does deserve a bit more love to make it fully functional. At the moment, the script tries to take the metadata from an existing theme and using 'sed' replaces the name to Reflektions. So far, I have had no problems with it. I guess it has something to do with the 'default' theme you selected. In my system, the 'default' theme is in fact the Air theme and is found in /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/default. This folder contains everything necessary to create the theme (widgets, backgrounds, icons etc). There is however a 'default' folder also in my home directory, $HOME/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/default which is incomplete (does not have all the required files to create a proper theme), yet still appears in the dropdown list of the install_ptheme script. Can you make sure you have selected the correct (complete) theme? I would suggest starting from scratch, ie remove the Reflektions plasma theme (move it somewhere else) and run the script. PS, you have been posting in the old KDE3 reflektions icons :)
Hi again, I have uploaded a new version which makes sure that the ptheme script lists only valid themes. Can you try with the new version, select the default theme and let me know how it goes? Thanks
Hi, I tried installing Reflektions on Kubuntu 12.10 with KDE 4.10. Everything seems fine except for the Dropbox panel icons. I get: mkdir: cannot create directory `Reflektions': File exists cp: cannot stat `/home/angel/.dropbox-dist/icons/hicolor/16x16/status': No such file or directory cp: target `/home/angel/.dropbox-dist/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/' is not a directory
Works fine with KDE 4.1.3 Maybe you can improve the contrast of the folders... But it's really coool!!!
What about a kde4 version?
There will be a KDE4 version...just not yet. Unfortunately, the names of the icons have changed (a lot) from KDE3 to KDE4 and I have to find the correspondence etc. If you are eager to try them on KDE4, then I suggest you try this out: Regards
Hi, I like this icons very much, they are very elegant and minimialistic - that is what I like. I have a sugestion to add a few icons more (which I use) to make this set more complete: * KWallet * blocking the session * kdissert * kopete * quanta * regional settings and accessibility in KDE Control Center Thanks in advance,
Thanks. I am aware that this theme lacks of some icons and the ones you just mentioned are the most obvious. I will see what I can do!
The file is not a valid icon theme archive.
Please read the installation instructions. You have to extract the package and run the build_set found in the extracted folder. This will create a compressed file that you can install using Kcontrol. Make sure you have the imagemagick package installed. Good luck!
Thanks...overlooked that....I'll give it another go then :D
why not post it up this way in the first place? It would help a lot of users.
But I have posted it like this. Under the "INSTALL" section :-)
The theme is fantastic! and it rocks with Light Grey domino theme! rated gud mate!
Hey, thank you, I am very glad you like it!
Good work!, I think it looks pretty elegant, very nice indeed.
this is great. especially the navigation icons.
Heyas - Good work indeed - what window dekorations you have and how you got that sidebar? Black & White is COOL
Thanks for your comment! The window dekoration is the one provided by the Domino style and the sidebar is provided by Baghira style. You can find links for the above and more details here:
Well i have installed Baghira but how i go to enable that sidabar?
Open konqueror and look at the buttons on the far left of the window. Choose the one that says baghirasidebar.
Why not a tar.gz file to make it easier for us? I like this concept. Please keep working on it, and per above. thanks
Thanks for your appreciatoion. I will keep working on it, I will soon change the filetypes to fit better with the style of the folders. I will upload it soon. Regarding the tar.gz file, there is a problem with the size, it's much bigger, I will see what I can do. :-)