Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Please issue bugs about icon theme to http://bugs.pardus.org.tr address.
* An alternative download link added.
* 2.0: Final release. New mimetypes added, default color of directory icon is changed.
* 2.0-alpha2: network-workgroup and start-here-kde icons changed.
* Archive format has been changed to tar.bz2 to install Milky easier.
Ratings & Comments
10 Our fork theme is https://www.pling.com/p/1451799/ Sulin GNU/Linux continue developing this icon theme
Hi.How i can download this icons? PayPal not work in Ukraine. Please send to me this icons. Best regards
Getting a 404
Link fixed.
Thank you!
It's a wonderful theme, I use it for some time, but I prefer previous default color: yellow does not suit many kde color themes.
I agree with the previous comment. Yellow is good only for very few themes. A more neutral variation (blue?) would be awesome. Or at least the option to choose.
Thanks for this superb icon theme! ;)
Awesome! I am testing it and I really liked it so far! There are lots of missing icons, of course, but I hope that you plan to make them ^^ I will list the ones missing for me: Tagaini Jisho (A Kanji dictionary) GIMP Gwenview Firefox Konqueror SMPlayer (MPlayer) Amarok Kopete Inkscape Opera Chromium Skype Openshot VLC Audacity And just to know, the .torrent mime/type icon is from which program? It would be nice to have another one with the KTorrent icon :3 Keep the good work! I am a fan now!
I notice that there are a few colored folder icons (green, yellow, violet etc). Is it possible to switch the default folder icon color to one of them, and if yes how can one do that? Your icon theme is excellent! Will vote good.
Maybe the best icon theme i've ever use on my laptop :P Grear work and keep improving it :P
strangely enough, i can open the zip archive just fine with ark and the index.theme file is present but i'm unable to install the theme: "The file is not a valid icon theme archive."
You have to extrat the zip and then compress the folder to a zip/tar archive (it will create the file milky.tar.gz) and then install it normally. I did this and it's work but beside please update the link and change the zip by a tar.gz it will be better for install it without having to do what I said every time, thanks.
Yah this is original! And I love it! It's the first time that i see this tyope of iconset on kde-look so great man! Your iconset is awesome, I now replace the oxygen iconset by this one for sure it's look a little bit strange but with more time I guess I would appreciate it. So continue in this way and complete your theme^^. Thanks.
the default network icon still uses the windows logo,Its ok for samba. I dont know if you can use that. A new icon would be great.
We have an open issue about this, and I also want this icon to be changed since that icon is not directly related with MS Windows.
refreshing and very different from oxygen, I hope still the application icons are on the way for amarok, kaffeine,juk,gwen view,okular. I cant wait for the new pardus to be out..
Usually I don't like anything but Oxygen but these are great!! voted goooooood
Nice icons - especially with more contrast as standard Milky-Icon-Theme :) Will you use this icon theme as default in Pardus 2011 final release?
Probably, we will install the icon set in default installations and ask user for the default icon set in Kaptan.
can't download: 404.
Archive is here: http://cekirdek.pardus.org.tr/~gokcen/files/milky/milky-2.0-alpha1.zip and I can access the zip file now. I don't know what the problem is.
very nice icon theme.