Buuf for KDE (KDE 3)

Full Icon Themes

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Note: this is a KDE 3 icon set. For the more up-to-date Buuf Deuce icon set for KDE 4, go here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=76340

Here's my Buuf iconset for KDE! Please contact me with any requests or suggestions! I tried to be as thorough as possible, but I may not use the most common apps. Almost all icons by Paul Davey aka Mattahan, a couple edits by me. All rights reserved. These icons are not available for use commercially without first contacting Paul.

*note: If the download is being strange, right click > save target as on the download link.

The build script depends on 'convert', which is part of ImageMagick.

To install this set:
1. download the zip file
2. extract the zip file
3. cd into the Buuf folder
4. open a terminal there
5. run ./buildset
6. get a beer
7. Install the icon theme in KDE Control Panel
8. Enjoy
Last changelog:

Download link fixed
Added icons for requested apps - kopete systray icons work!
Added some more icons, 0.2 released.
Icons added:
ktorrent toolbar
Added more icons, 'made' some of my own
Changed file formats
~100 more icons added
Completed the OOo, koffice, kdevelop, and kwebdev suites.
Spruced up kdepim stuff.
Added a couple icons

Ratings & Comments



3 Dead!


Me and my gf just love this iconset under KDE4, because it is different, yet not too childish. Some special stuff ist still missing (Open document formats for example).


finally an icon theme that is really different,inventive,charismatic,free(as in freedom,not as in free beer). Shortly I love it.


The Buuf Deuce for KDE 4 icon set has been released! http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=76340 I'm going to leave this one up as the version for KDE 3.


I'm loving the icons. The only problem I've had is that the Oxygen folder icons were not replaced with the Buuf folder icons. I'm running vanilla kde 4.1. The same is true for other icon sets also, and I can't figure out how to manually change the folder icon. Anyone know?


It looks like dolphin and konqueror are using the folder icon from the "Places" category instead of the one from "Filesystems", which is where the Buuf icons are.


Also, the folder icons in kde 4 are expected to be svg format. Since this icon package does not include svg icons, it uses the ones from Oxygen. I'm not sure if there is a way to disable svg icons and force it to use the png icons. Anybody know?


Here's what I ended up doing to make the folder icons work with KDE 4: 1. In the root directory of the icon theme, make a symlink called "scalable" that's linked to the 128x128 folder: ln -s 128x128/ scalable 2. In each folder (128x128, 64x64, etc), copy the folder.png icon from places and paste into the mimetypes folder. Then rename it to inode-directory.png 3. Add the following to the end of the index.theme file: [scalable/apps] Size=128 Context=Applications Type=Threshold [scalable/devices] Size=128 Context=Devices Type=Threshold [scalable/filesystems] Size=128 Context=FileSystems Type=Threshold [scalable/mimetypes] Size=128 Context=MimeTypes Type=Threshold


Wow! Lots of comments! I've been negligent.... I'm working on a KDE 4 version of Buuf Deuce at the moment, I'll put a link up when it's released.


That would be greatly appreciated! I converted this to KDE4 using a conversion script. It's much better than trying to use the KDE3 package, but there are still many icons missing. This is one of the top icon themes here, and I think most people have probably switched to KDE4 by now, so a native KDE4 theme would be awesome. Thanks for all the hard work!


actually I wonder what have you used for you style and decoration? and the background too!? thanks,


These icons are really impressive. Can you please specify what KDE style and window decorations are used on your screenshot? If you can also specify the font it will be great ;)


They remind me of Neverhood. Did you take inspiration from it? They also resemble GANT work (just for the "claysh" look). Very good work indeed.


Link don't work


It still works here... try again later? :)


I've just discovered this icon set yesterday, and today an update! As others have been saying, this is a great relieve from glossy/crystal-like themes so popular on KDE. Thanks a lot for making this available! [...] Notes on missing entries: - KDE System Settings; - "user management" on KDE system setings. - dolphin; - Eclipse; - gtkpod; - suspend; - hibernate; - wine; Inconsistency: - dolphin and konqueror (web profile) show different icons for "storage media" On Kubuntu, on the logout dialog, all buttons seem to be on the wrong size. [...] One icon association I don't like is kaffeine, I can barely see the film roll on the back. I've exchanged its icon with the one for mplayer.


Thanks for the recommendations, most have been added for the next release! I thought the eclipse icon didn't work correctly and I don't use eclipse myself, but I've also added that icon in case you find a use for it. Konqueror uses system.png for 'storage devices' while dolphin uses the 'block device' icon, so that inconsistency will have to stay :)


wow, lots of fabulous new icons =) did you do them? like kplato, kghostview, karbon, kbugbuster, inkscape, gwenview... I didn't think *anyone* could copy mattahan's style -> you rule! one small problem. the outer edges of the recently added icons (e.g. EasyTAG.xpm) aren't antialiased. that must've been lost in the conversion from png. why not just use png? it's the standard =)


oh, but I forgot to say... kcoloredit.png is butt ugly ;) it should have about the same tones as kchart.png, i.e. take the yellow, red, blue from there and find out some shades of green/cyan/magenta to complement. hint: crank down the saturation =) also, would be funky if you separated the 6 colors with *cracks* hehe


I hacked together those icons from matthan's work :). Sadly, it seems those applications with the nasty edges only recognize the xpm formats :/.


Thanks for the constructive criticism, I've added more icons to suit your needs :D. For the last comment, I'm not sure what your concern is about the split window icon - it should be working (it does for me). Can anyone else confirm that the split window left/right or top/bottom icons don't work?


This is really great iconset, but when icons are such characteristic and unusal you have to replace every icon on your desktop. Unfortunately I'm using some icons (for example I have buttons to split view in Konqueror) that aren't included into Buuf :( I hope you will add new icons in future. Your work is something new and fresh in all this (actually quite pretty) "crystal-shiny-glassy-macosx-like-stuff" on kde-look.


Thank you for the good icon set. However, it would be better if u could add icons for few more apps what are used frequently. e.g.: 1. Noatun 2. Skype 3. Realplayer 4. Xmms Thanks!


Hi, when I write ./buildset I get: Quote:

This script builds an installable KDE iconset using bash and convert. Change what you want, add additional sizes, whatever... :) Checking for bzip2... found /bin/bzip2 Checking for tar... found /bin/tar Checking for convert... no. No convert found in path.
I look for convert in the Debian Packages database, but there're many! I don't know what I need. Can anyone help me? Thanks!


You need imagemagick. Covert is a part of it. HTH.

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version 0.4b
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mediaviews 24h 0
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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

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