Evolvere Light Pure Circle Inverted
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It's a Aurorae theme designed to perfectly fit with:
- Evolvere Icon theme (Flat variants are preferred) (http://goo.gl/53mXjY)
- Evolvere Light Kvantum theme http://goo.gl/7b1n44
- Evolvere Light Color Scheme (http://goo.gl/aGpkom)
- Fonts: Open Sans 10, Droid Sans Mono 10
To manually install, extract the file contents to ~/.kde/share/apps/aurorae/themes/ (for your user) or /usr/share/kde4/apps/aurorae/themes/ (all users). The directory do not exists? Create it!
Enjoy! Last changelog:
- Evolvere Icon theme (Flat variants are preferred) (http://goo.gl/53mXjY)
- Evolvere Light Kvantum theme http://goo.gl/7b1n44
- Evolvere Light Color Scheme (http://goo.gl/aGpkom)
- Fonts: Open Sans 10, Droid Sans Mono 10
To manually install, extract the file contents to ~/.kde/share/apps/aurorae/themes/ (for your user) or /usr/share/kde4/apps/aurorae/themes/ (all users). The directory do not exists? Create it!
- Line removed (moved to another variant)
Initial release
Ratings & Comments
Nice theme (and the colored version too). Just exist a design problem. The programs icons on title bar does not looks good. They are too shrinked. Can you fix it? O can u tell what file I need to edit? Thanks.
Change the file in $HOME/.local/share/aurorae/themes/EvolvereLightPureCircleInv/EvolvereLightPureCircleInvrc and set ButtonWidthMenu to 22, the same size as others. Then reload the theme, this will be fixed. I made a pull request to fix this: https://github.com/franksouza183/EvolvereSuit/pull/143/commits/2e9b19032ecddbf85e5cad97b8c6a998c4d13dae waiting to fix
I like the three but they are a little big, i think if you could reduce them to 30 or 40 percent of the actual size they would be perfect for me.