Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This theme is an experimental version of air-oxygen that supports color scheme.
I share it for enthusiast users, Aurorae theme designers and kde developers.
It needs current kde trunk to work properly.
I share it for enthusiast users, Aurorae theme designers and kde developers.
It needs current kde trunk to work properly.
Ratings & Comments
I know this is old so probably pointless to revive. But the theme does not seem to support colorization, in either KDE 4.14.3 or 5.2.0 (Framework 5). I tried changing various colors, including Window Background which is what mainstream Oxygen uses... yet the only thing that changes at most are the buttons. oxygen-transparent doesn't seem to be supported for Framework 5. So I'm looking for a new KWin theme which supports both colorization and transparency with blur.
Never mind. I opened up the theme and am looking at the way scheme coloring works. This theme isn't intended to be colorized like Oxygen, although it can be modified to work that way. If anyone else is having issues, see the "Using system colors" section here (it applied to both Aurorae and Plasma themes): http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma4/ThemeDetails
I can see a small glitch in the vlc window, it happens always and I can't reproduce this with the standard oxygen kwin engine. Both the oxygen air and color oxygen air aurora themes do have this problem. It always appears on the top left corner and it is better seen over dark backgrounds (i.e. a terminal windows with dark bg). A photo: http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/246783_1808313612987_1394355889_31648453_4895939_n.jpg
It seems to happen when the title can't fit in the window. It is a bug in Aurorae's glow effect. Can you do a bug report on bugs.kde.org ?
Sure, I guess I should file it against the aurorae engine, right? I will investigate a bit more first. I don't remember seeing this with other window decorations based on aurorae, which I why I assumed this was specific to this decoration. But, since this is all about theming, I guess the culprit is the theme engine.
Same problem with this aurorae theme: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Tenuto-Light-ActiveGlow+Aurorae+theme?content=121889
Nice to see this online finaly. Looks quite good and was a great test case for developing. ;) Keep up the good work :)
Thank you too.
i have 1 request: can you add an (optional) inner border for this Theme?
There is already an inner border. Aurorae doesn't allow to make it optional. I can create a copy of this theme without the inner border if you want.
ohh its so bright that i doesnt see it ^^ i mean some darker, like in: http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=124689 :s i tried it myself but.. thats not my world xD
I will send you a version, but I don't think it will look good.