Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- support of new kde 4.5 features:
- inner borders
- tabs (needs a better support in kde 4.6)
- halo
- blur
- maximized windows
- remove overlay
- add alldesktops button
- support rolled up windows
- grey/black button color for active/inactive windows
- blue shadow for active window
- inner borders
- overlay on top
- fix black line above the window when compositing is off.
- fix title height when maximized.
- add shadows on title text.
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Is there a way to turn off the glow around the active window?
Nice theme, but when i have several opened windows, titles of under windows (not active) are looked through behind title of active title - that looks inconsistent.It would be nice, if you will add blurring, something alike win7, or for example like bluring of KDE panel, when compositing is on.
Blur is already available with this theme and KDE 4.5.
Hi, I tried your theme on KDE SC 4.5 SC1. It looks great but when I resize or maximize and then restore a window, most of the decoration (everything except the corners) disappears. Same behaviour whether I activate blur or not. I think this should be a bug related to aurorae more than to your theme, but you could fill a better bug report than me (or maybe directly get in touch with the KWin devs) to fix it before the release.
Sorry I didn't read the previous posts before. It seems the theme was not made for the version 4.5. I guess an update will be released once SC 4.5 is available.
The previous posts was related to Air-oxygen 0.3. 0.4 is designed for kde 4.5. I will test kde 4.5 rc1 and update my theme or contact the developer of Aurorae.
When I enable any Aurorae decoration in my KDE 4.5 installation on Arch, I get black borders around the deco w/ desktop effects enabled. Anyone familiar with this?
Forget it, fixed with the RC version. Great theme ;)
But, please, can you add at least the "always in front" (or so) button? ;) (when does this fucking site get an edit function?)
I will do that when I will have time. I would like work on the buttons again: they still do not look exactly like oxygen buttons.
Looks very good great!
"NO, the description clearly states KDE 4.x" KDE-look does not give the choice of select 4.3 or 4.4. I can try to change the .rc file and see if it make a difference. Anyway, Aurorae was not part of kde sc 4.3 and there was several version of it. I am studying the bug.
Borders are missing. Quit blaming KDE when all the other Aurorae decorations don't seem to have this issue.
What version of kde do you use ? I use kde 4.4.2 and this theme works fine. I don't have the time to invest in bugs with kde 4.3.
Nice attitude. The bug is in your theme not KDE. All other themes work just fine. KDE 4.4 has only been available for a short time and is not currently included in the updates of many distros. But hey if you want to eliminate most of the potential users, you keep doing what your doing (or not doing).
"The bug is in your theme not KDE. All other themes work just fine." All ? http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Light+Aurorae?content=122916 I am quiet sure there are bugs in Aurorae of kde 4.3. I am quiet sure Aurorae will be modifyied for kde 4.5 and I will need to modify this theme. I consider that it is not ready while title with halo effect and background with a blur effect are not released in Aurorae. This theme is opensource, you can play with it if you have the time. I prefer look the futur.
After further review, it appears ONE other guy has made defective themes as well (and he probably based his theme on yours). Congrats on not being the only one! At least he is trying to figure it out without being a jerk. Out of 6 pages of Aurorae themes, only two designers have this same issue and it effects only 3 themes total.
Megabigbug, Maybe you should learn to accept criticism before posting your work publicly for review. If your theme doesn't work, it just doesn't work. Don't make excuses, just resolve it. If you cannot, just admit it. Show some professionalism and class. PS - Didn't work for me either. And your screen name appears appropriate in this case.
"Maybe you should learn to accept criticism before posting your work publicly for review. If your theme doesn't work, it just doesn't work." I said it works with kde 4.4. What can I do ? I must install kde 4.3 for solve it ? I admit I don't have the time for that.
NO, the description clearly states KDE 4.x
And your description in the "System Settings Add-On Installer" for KDE makes no mention of the KDE 4.4 requirement either. A user would have to visit this site and read your excuses before they would realize what the trouble is.
And your description in the "System Settings Add-On Installer" for KDE makes no mention of the KDE 4.4 requirement either. A user would have to visit this site and read your excuses before they would realize what the trouble is.