Description: is a mod of mikas theme hope you like it by the way i also included the font i use linsta GTK2 and i made the some of the icons.check out the new glow style.Last changelog:
please vote if you like it
i think that you should have already installed cgwd themer and the cgwd themes.
...a compositing Windows Manager that rides on top of Xgl (X OpenGL Server) which allows for many previously impossible graphical effects, such as virtual desktops on the side of a 3D cube, real hardware rendered transparency, and the list goes on. It comes standard with SuSE 10.1. Check it out on, or Wikipedia. It's been ported for many other distro's as well.
BTW, love the icons. Not too keen about the theme at the moment, but I'd like to see more from you! You've got the talent.
Ratings & Comments
...a compositing Windows Manager that rides on top of Xgl (X OpenGL Server) which allows for many previously impossible graphical effects, such as virtual desktops on the side of a 3D cube, real hardware rendered transparency, and the list goes on. It comes standard with SuSE 10.1. Check it out on, or Wikipedia. It's been ported for many other distro's as well. BTW, love the icons. Not too keen about the theme at the moment, but I'd like to see more from you! You've got the talent.
HI wat is this compiz anyway? is it an engine? give some info I m new to gnome
What icon theme are you using? nice border by the way.
i made the house and hdd icon,i modded the pc icon and the black icons are blaqua set heres the link.