Since I upgraded to Hardy and got Emerald 0.7, I can't get the active title pixmaps to work. I tried with Kimmik's black emerald theme and had the same problem.
Any ideas on how I could fix this?
Glad to see that the Zootreves engine has finally gotten stable enough to actually have the "Title bar dip" option work. Very nice job, I like the colour scheme. Fits well with Aurora-Looks.
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Since I upgraded to Hardy and got Emerald 0.7, I can't get the active title pixmaps to work. I tried with Kimmik's black emerald theme and had the same problem. Any ideas on how I could fix this? Thanks!
Glad to see that the Zootreves engine has finally gotten stable enough to actually have the "Title bar dip" option work. Very nice job, I like the colour scheme. Fits well with Aurora-Looks.
Well, I'm glad you like it! :D However, this theme uses the pixmap engine, not the zootreeves.
Really? well, in that case, it SUCKS! rofl kidding. I only thought it was Zootreeves because of the dip in the titlebar. Still a nice theme though ;)
LOL! As I said before, I'm glad you like it! :D