My own slickness variation
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is NOT my creation!
I've just added the buttons from the "Slickness Raptor" theme to the "New Slickness 2009" theme and fixed the shadows to fit a 1280x800 screen.
All credits to the original creators!
In my opinion this is just the perfect theme! Looks wonderfull with the "LaGaDesk Blunight" icon theme and ofcourse "New Slickness 2009" GTK.
Together this theme looks better and more complete than any other themes out there. Including Mac OS, Vista and Win7 originals.
Thank you everyone for making these wonderfull themes! Last changelog:
This is NOT my creation!
I've just added the buttons from the "Slickness Raptor" theme to the "New Slickness 2009" theme and fixed the shadows to fit a 1280x800 screen.
All credits to the original creators!
In my opinion this is just the perfect theme! Looks wonderfull with the "LaGaDesk Blunight" icon theme and ofcourse "New Slickness 2009" GTK.
Together this theme looks better and more complete than any other themes out there. Including Mac OS, Vista and Win7 originals.
Thank you everyone for making these wonderfull themes!
Just packaged the file again and added new screenshot that shows the actual theme in Emerald
Ratings & Comments
Who voted bad?? This on is really awesome! ...although it would be more awesome if it was for KDE4 :P
Yeah... who voted bad? This theme is nice, not really my style though, but it is cool. I voted up anyway.
I know it isn't yours, you said so in the description, so you don't have to explain ;)
The Rob is the original creator of Slickness I've understood. Slickness is in my opinion the best and most complete theme there is. My variation is just a minor fix. I guess you can feel free to change what ever you'd like. After all this is about open source. :-)
Thanks :) You might see it around in a while!
I looked at all the different slickness themes, and your's is the best :) It has the best of each of them, all put together. Funny how many variations of it there are... ...but incidentally, could I make one? I want to use your theme as a "template" because I have wanted to make a similar theme, but had a hard time figuring out how to line it all up.
what icons are thoose? And could you maybe consider porting this to metacity? looks nice
I tried to find the icons again on gnome look, but I couldn't find theme anywhere. They're an ubuntu studio icon set I belive, but the ones I downloaded from repo is not the same. I guess I could e-mail them to you.
I like that wallpaper. Where can one download it from?
Well I've just googled it myself. "wallpaper for hp" :-)
Well I've just googled it myself. "wallpaper for hp" :-)
Well I've just googled it myself. "wallpaper for hp" :-)
Well I've just googled it myself. "wallpaper for hp" :-)