Tequila Sunrise
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Very nice, thank you!
Thanks. I'm glad you like it. I downloaded your BluePlastic theme, very nice. It brightens up any color scheme. It's not dull and boring; I like that a lot.
cyrtainne, Hey....Thanks for the kind words. It's hard coming into one of these sites when you know little or next to nothing about the LINUX OS. It's all new and different for me. Cheers! Ron
I'm no Linux guru, but everyone must start somewhere. And, at the beginning is normally the best place. So I think the job you did on this one is good. I would keep experimenting with the look of it and perhaps come up with whatever you like best. I've seen themes which IMO are nothing more than re-colors of the default theme. Yours has substance and there is some real talent here. Keep up the good work, and never stop trying. No matter what anyone says.
Gee....sorry guys. I'm a newbie at this linux stuff. I haven't been at it very long at all. This is one of my first attempts at a theme. I don't know how to do much other than edit what's already there. I did this at my kids request. I'm still learning. I only figured out how to get Beryl working by trial and error....just like this theme. I don't know any linux users to seek advice from. I just jumped in blind and worked my way into it. Perhaps you pros can give me some pointers. This is a variation of a slatehorn theme that I put on another link... it got a fair amount of downloads quickly...which I know isn't saying much...but at least I'm ditching microsoft and trying linux. Maybe this community isn't for me. Thanks for your comments :) Have a great day. Ron
candy style :) not for my...