Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A friend wanted the Kiba Color settings; here they are.
Kiba Colors:
Color 1: #F6770F Alpha 1: 0.73
Color 2; #FBE90F Alpha 2: 0.25
Color 3: #F5A50D Alpha 3: 0.08
Color 4: #EA3F1A Alpha 4: 0.14
Color 5: #F8ED26 Alpha 5: 0.92
Color: #F7C508 Alpha: 0.94
A friend wanted the Kiba Color settings; here they are.
Kiba Colors:
Color 1: #F6770F Alpha 1: 0.73
Color 2; #FBE90F Alpha 2: 0.25
Color 3: #F5A50D Alpha 3: 0.08
Color 4: #EA3F1A Alpha 4: 0.14
Color 5: #F8ED26 Alpha 5: 0.92
Color: #F7C508 Alpha: 0.94
Ratings & Comments
Hi, wanderfull , beautifull theme - great color and very great buttons. I am really sorry that you don't upload since months, because your work is really, really vivid :) Cheers, and keep us in touch for your artwork. Don't mind the ratings, it's just a fake ... Best regards :)
Dimityr, thank you. My stuff just doesn't seem to get the ratings for some reason. Don't know why. They get downloads but somehow no votes ... or they get bad votes. Who knows? You are a true artist....I just tinker.
Robert, Thanks Dude! I'm glad you like it and the Kiba. I agree with you about the other docks. I like this Kiba version because it's simple.....Just install Libglitz1 first and then the Kiba....no hassles.... and no editing the etc/apt/sources.list. //Max
Theme looks nice! has a fresh feel to it! //Robert PS. Finally someone has noticed that there are a good dock!!!! awn blows! The kiba is the way to go if you use a dock :D