I made it for my cat fan girlfriend.
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Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Other Beryl/Emerald Themes:
Beryl and Emerald are theme decorators used under Compiz to provide window themes.
Themes can also be used with KDE Plasma via Smaragd:

Ratings & Comments
hi Dear, since I found out how to make your Desktop transparent on an easyway in Maverick, I have begun to love these Emerald-themes and will take this Emerald-theme for me in Maverick. Then I also wanted to let you know, that I am also a big Cats-Fan (you konw this Musical??) Greetings Karmicbastler
Hey Dear, sorry, aber icch persönlicch bevorzuge lieber Metaccity-Thememanager. Deswegen suche ich eigentlich nach einem Metacity-Theme. Und deines sieht wirlich hübscch aus und gefällt mir gut. Deswegen finde ich es nett von dir, dass du es auf deine todo-Liste genommen hast. Danke dafür und ich freue mich schon, dieses Theme als Metaccity-Theme runterladen zu können. Grüße aus dem kalten Unterfranken, Karmicbastler
i like it a lot
Hi Dear, your theme looks lovely. But one question: could you make a Metaccity-Theme from this?? That would help me a lot. Greetings Karmicbastler
Hi, I put it to my todo list. Isn't Emerald an option for you? It has some feature which Metacity lacks.