Minimal LittleGlass
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A extremely minimalistic theme for emerald. The window buttons appear, when hovered with the mouse.
This work is based on the great theme LittleGlass by lassekongo83 (http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/LittleGlass-163891709?q=1&qo=1)
Links for setting up the complete desktop
Basically it's Ubuntu 10.10. The top panel is a combination of the "normal" gnome-panel with the globalmenu applet and three docks of the Avant-Window-Navigator on top with "Lucido"-style.
Icon set:
Mouse theme:
How to install Nautilus Elementary:
How to install AWN from PPA with lucido:
http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/awn-lucido-gets-its-own-ppa.html Last changelog:
This work is based on the great theme LittleGlass by lassekongo83 (http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/LittleGlass-163891709?q=1&qo=1)
Links for setting up the complete desktop
Basically it's Ubuntu 10.10. The top panel is a combination of the "normal" gnome-panel with the globalmenu applet and three docks of the Avant-Window-Navigator on top with "Lucido"-style.
Icon set:
Mouse theme:
How to install Nautilus Elementary:
How to install AWN from PPA with lucido:
+ fixed shadow issue
+ added Panel graphic and AWN-Theme
+ added detailed description
+ added a deviantArt link
Ratings & Comments
Thanks. The answer was staring me in the face but I didn't know what I was looking at. 'Nother question. I personally would like to be able to see the buttons (just helps me locate them). Even if they were just straight lines up in the right corner. The white also tends to be invisible if white is behind it. (I understand that you didn't design this theme for heavy button use.) Can you recommend a guide for how to edit these buttons (using Gimp let's say)? Or is it not that straightforward?
Never mind. I edited the buttons... now I've got solid bars. Thanks so much for creating this theme! I can squeeze just a little more room out of my laptop's screen.
The image files are typically located in ~/.emerald/themes/MinimalLittleGlass/ Editing these images should be quite straight-forward: On each buttons' image are 6 versions of the particular button: normal | hovered | pressed | inactive normal | inactive hovered | inactive pressed. You may edit these as you want (preferable with a copy outside this theme) and load the edited file with the emerald theme manager afterwards. Another hint: You may try to use the theme LittleGlass instead, which I modified: http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/LittleGlass-163891709 This has some visible buttons!
Thanks again. I added some ultra-minimal colored bars (just so they would show up against a light background). If you're curious, I posted an image at Ubuntu forums. Probably not to your taste... but your theme made it possible. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1724828&page=2
Your theme is just what I'm looking for. My only question: How do I access the other buttons - Set Above, Unset Above, etc... ? I see they're available in the Button Pixmaps window but I don't know how to activate them in the title bar?
These can be activated in the emerald theme manager: - select the theme and click on edit design - select the tab called title bar - on the right there is an edit box called "layout of objects in title bar" and a little help text beneath - maybe A::NXC would suit your problem - maybe you should choose other button graphics for the buttons you're activating to make them appear as the others do Hope this helps!
Very good job dude. By the way, please note that the uploaded file has the shadow opacity at maximum, so the theme looks really bad at first. I've just fixed it to 0.8 (instead of 6.0) and it looks great now. You may want to fix this. Nice work ;)
Looks really nice but well, i have lot's of problems with the Installation. Would wish for a detailed instruction. (tho the installation of the 'New Hope' Theme isn't easy at all.)
Okay found my mistake. I had to remove Orta Theme before installing this one ^_^
ok ;) Just wanted to ask for your exact problem... and added the links above, just in case...
Well, i've got another Question: Could you maybe share your Panelbackground? Tried to create them myself but failed badly
Has been uploaded :D
Thaaaaaaaaaaanks :)
I like the appearance of the theme but it's bad cuz it reduces usability.... Voted Bad Sorry
Well, of course it decreases usability. But it's a matter of style. I don't use window buttons at all. I have mouse gestures for every relevant action (move, maximize and so on...) I simply wanted to get rid of those (for me useless) buttons :D
Hi, what application do you use for mouse gesture? I know an application named easystroke. Is that what are you using?
Yes, it is. I've got numerous gestures... for example for minimizing, maximizing, closing and moving windows, for switching to an arbitrary viewport, media playback controls (play, pause, next track, volume...), tabbing through windows... And many others :D
What icon set are you using? I really like them too.
I added a link to the whole compilation ;)
Basically it's a white, semi-transparent gnome-panel with the gnome2-globalmenu applet. In front of this panel are three docks of the avant-window-navigator with the lucido style. Hope this helps, if you need more explanation, feel free to ask :D
How did you make that panel? Looks great