The only inconsistencies they have are-
The center graient doesn't match up perfectly, which can't be fixed because of how Emerald works currently. I think I have it as close as it will get.
Also there are some annoying shadow issues, which you can see in the screenshot. This is another Emerald bug present in all themes.
Compiz needs a new decorator!
Overall, at least to me, these issues aren't really that noticeable and don't make them annoying beyond use.

This includes versions for the Oxygen, Obsidian Coast, Norway, Wonton Soup, and Oxygen Cold color schemes.
Ratings & Comments
Man I was going to ask you for an update, but since you say emerald ain't that good as a window manager I kind of understand. Hope you can have a look again and try to improve this theme. Cheers.
Thanks! I have since moved to using Kwin and Aurorae, so I've stopped work on Emerald themes for now and am messing around with Aurorae themes.
Can you recreate the stripes in the emerald bar? Look here:
I was actually thinking about bringing those back. When I get time I'll see what I can do. I think it's possible.
Ok, thanks! Let us know (and remember the oxygen-cold version ;) )
Well, I tried to make it and found out Emerald can't hang. :) There were just too many issues with all the different gradients. It looked horrible.
Never mind. I got it to look decent and uploaded it anyway. There are minor glitches, but it'll do.
Thanks! :)
Can you create the oxygen-cold skin? :)
Good work! For maximized windows can you hide the borders? :)
Thanks. I'm not sure I follow what you mean. There's a setting in Emerald Theme Manager in the Emerald Settings tab for decoration cropping. Does that do it?
No, it doesn't do it. I've searched an other option in emerald setting, but I haven't found nothing. Thanks anyway
too bad we are on gnome-look -_-'
This was posted to KDE-Look. Because it's in the Emerald category, it comes up on all the related sites, gnome-look, compiz-themes etc.
really very good...enjoy...
Thanks very much.
Hi, merry christmas :D Nice work you've done, yesterday i made this emerald theme but yours is better, the only problem is the center gradient with larger windows, same of my theme, i don't know how to fix it :(
Thank you and a Merry Christmas to you!
I have an idea that I'll try later to try to fix the gradient issue. If I fix it, I'll update this and post how I fixed it.
Never mind. This is as good as emerald will allow it to get. The problem is that the oxygen gradient is not stretched, but centered, so the light part is the same width no matter how big the window is. Emeralds options will either stretch it or leave it stationary, in which case the gradient won't line up since there's no 'centered' option. Oh well. Maybe someday they'll fix KDE Window Decorator and we wont have to use this.
Ok fine! So we achieved the best version possible for Emerald