Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This means you should visit the Vox Populi project homepage by following the link above or copying and pasting the link manually from below:
This is a theme I created by modifying the 'LiteGlass Blur2' theme by serginho. Many thanks to serginho for producing the original!
I modified it so that the decorations are flat so when the blur is enabled through Compiz the decorations blur evenly. I also made a number of other tweaks including changing the color from a dark-ish blue to more of a teal.
In order to get the blur effect that is shown in the example pictures you will need to enable the 'blur windows' plugin in ccsm(CompizConfigSettingsManager), set the 'blur filter' to use a 'gaussian' blur and set the 'gaussian radius' to its max which is 15.
I added another pic showing my Emerald settings. Do as you wish of course but I also recommend trying these settings to make the theme look & feel better.
*1.1 released on January 8th, 2010:
The only change was making the titlebar a tad bit thinner.
*January 9th, 2010:
I uploaded the GTK theme I am using with UbuntuFrost and added a link to it below, feel free to download that as well if you want the complete look and feel from the pictures.
*January 22nd, 2010:
I added a link to my photo so if you think you might like the wallpaper in the first preview pic you can find a link to it below.
*1.2 released on January 24th, 2010:
I made a number of slight tweaks to further 'perfect' and clean up the theme. The colour was changed ever so slightly and many other details were tweaked that had been bugging me - nothing too extreme though. Just an fyi - I don't intend to release another update for some time now though as I believe I have now perfected the theme to my tastes.
*NOTE* (added on January 24th, 2010)
I have not bothered to replace any preview pictures since the original 1.0 release of this theme. The theme has not changed very drastically but do keep in mind that what you see in the preview pictures is in fact not exactly what you should expect the theme to look like.
*1.3 released on January 26th, 2010:
I guess I spoke too soon. In 1.3 I changed the font, in previous versions I had used various fonts and I finally decided to stick with Sawasdee - also if I were to use Trebuchet, as I had done at one point, that would probably not work with the GPL license here. I also adjusted the colouring ever so slightly... again.
*1.4 released on January 27th, 2010:
Minor bug fix in regard to buttons.
Ratings & Comments
Are you blind??? It's UbuntuFrost theme. Means it works 100% with Ubuntu. So stop ranting if you use other Linux distro, especially if you have no guts to work on CLI. Don't mess with your system in CLI if you're not Ubuntu user. Because our OSes is not supported by Canonical. The best known company besides M$ and Apple. :-)
As far as I can see, you are very active.I have only one question: What the hell are you using this firewall for(as seen on your screenshot)?May be you have some sort of a server that keeps the information of 2-3 commercial websites.Or you just want to be known as Mr.Firewall(paranoid)?
In fact I have been rather active on this site lately, good job noticing? Since I took that screenshot I have actually removed gufw simply because I do not need it and it interferes with giver which I use rather often - I do not think it can be considered paranoid though to simply look into having a firewall... even if you are running Linux. G'day.
thanks a lot that you have found a time for answer. First of all I tested the ANIMATION settings (in compiz) cause I was not sure if your string "Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Utility | Tooltip" is right for the russian linux. you said about translation if necessary. I found the string "(type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog)" and it is working for gnome and dropdown menus animation. I think the same string have to work with "opacity, brightness and saturation" but its not. When I change the string (type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog | Normal) as you see NORMAL TYPE is added, then all of windows became transparency, but not any of dropdowns and gnome menus. Don't have any idea what is wrong. Thanks again in any way.
Hmm, and you did NOT include the quotes, right? Are you running Mint with the default 'Mint menu' by chance? In Ubuntu the main menu transparency depends upon the 'dropdownmenu' string but in Mint this may be different as the Mint menu was written separately from the normal Gnome menu and is unique to Mint. Also I just discovered today that you can make the actual gnome-panel and its applets(such as the calendar) transparent by using the string 'name=gnome-panel' if you want to try that out too. I am sorry I can't be much more help but I am not certain why you are having such issues. Good luck!
Thanks a lot friend for a beautiful theme. How have you made transparency for gnome menu? (Like on the first picture)
Thank you, I'm glad you like it! You will want to open up your CompizConfig settings and navigate to 'opacity, brightness and saturation'. Under 'window specific settings' click 'new'. In the dialog that pops up enter "Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Utility | Tooltip" or the equivalent in Russian if ccsm is translated I s'pose, you may have to look that up. Next I have my 'window value' set to 83 but of course you can use whatever you like best - it is simply an alpha-channel measure of sorts with 100 being no transparency and 0 being invisible(I recommend not setting it to 0 but if you do, and all else fails, you can switch to Metacity and fix things up). Now just make sure that the 'opacity, brightness and saturation' effect is enabled and you should be up and running. ;)
I've applied your theme but cannot blurr windows. When I turn on the "blurr" plugin in compiz top decorations (above the menubar) just get intransparent (alpha=100%). I do not know why. When I turn the plugin off the alpha comes back. Please help. I use: Debian, KDE 3.5, Compiz, ATI.
After doing a bit of searching I think I have found the problem - unfortunately it sounds fairly conclusive that this is an ATI driver issue. From what I've read the blur plugin worked fine on ATI cards back in the Ubuntu Hardy timeframe but the driver has since had a regression of sorts. Below are posted some links I found for evidence - doesn't look like there is any fix yet, sorry mate!! One thought I do have is that perhaps some other theme that uses a different rendering engine would work(this one uses vrunner 0.2) but I quite doubt it. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-954252.html https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=479443 http://ati.cchtml.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1488
Hello, I've tried this at my laptop ASUS core duo 2.5 ghz with ATI Radeon X2300, running Ubuntu 10.04 (kernel 2.6.32-24-generic). The blurring enormously slows the computer down, yet does work when of type "4xBilinear" only. The first screenshot shows blurr effect turned off http://yfrog.com/myblurrwindows01p the second one - blurr of type "4xBilinear" http://yfrog.com/jbblurrwindows02p the third one - "Gaussian" type http://yfrog.com/mtblurrwindows03p the fourth one - "Minimaps" type http://yfrog.com/bcblurrwindows04p This is part of what lspci command gives: [code] Kernel driver in use: 8139too Kernel modules: 8139too, 8139cp Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel Kernel driver in use: radeon Kernel modules: radeon Kernel driver in use: ath5k Kernel modules: ath5k [/code] I've also tried this on my notebook Asus Eee PC 1005 PE with intel N10 Itegrated graphics card, running Debian Squeeze (kernel 2.6.32-5-686). An attempt to turn the blurr effect on has crashed the xserver, or whatever drives displaying things on the LCD. The lspci listing is: [code] Kernel driver in use: agpgart-intel Kernel driver in use: i915 Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel Kernel driver in use: uhci_hcd Kernel driver in use: ehci_hcd Kernel driver in use: ahci Kernel driver in use: atl1c [/code] So as you've said before, it looks like this has something to do with drivers. I must admit although linux is lovely, with not enough support from hardware manufacturers - as I've read - there is often an issue that something does work under windoze and does not under linux. It's a shame, really :(
It truly is a very big shame, I know exactly what you're saying. Linux gives people lots of choice but many of those choices are pretty much hacks and/or can destroy your computer. Also as you said hardware support is definitely lacking. I really hope Linux will improve in the near future but I'm not holding my breath. Sorry to hear about all your troubles! :( If you ever try to use this theme on another machine you should check out my Vox Populi theme as it is in fact the continuation of the UbuntuFrost project and imho looks much nicer. :)
the windows are themed, but for some reason the panel isn't and neither is hte applications/places/system menu. any ideas why?
This is only an emerald theme, it will only modify the look of the windows. Sorry if the pictures were a little misleading - perhaps I should remove that first pic with the menu in it. I will go post my GTK theme as well right now so you can use that also.
Actually come to think of it I am certain how to package a GTK theme in a way that will be sure to work on someone else's computer. I will look into this and upload my GTK theme as soon as possible. For the moment you may want to try out the 'MidnightDream' GTK theme - it is one part of what I used to create my GTK theme. Check back in a few days and I will hopefully have gotten it uploaded! Thanks.
Thanks! That would be awesome, and i'll try out that gtk theme. sorry i'm kind of new to ubuntu.
No! No problem at all, I hope your enjoying Ubuntu! If you have any questions about anything else Ubuntu related also feel free to drop me or anyone else a message on the UbuntuForums website, I go by the alias 'Perturbed Penguin' there as well. I can't promise an immediate response or even necessarily an answer but surely someone there will be able to.
Alright, I uploaded my GTK theme 'Tourmaline'. There is now a link to it above. Enjoy!
How do you blur behind the emerald theme like vista? is this a compiz configuration? which one?
it's the blur plugin
Yeah, it is the 'blur windows' effect for Compiz. I always set it up so that the 'blur filter' is set to 'gaussian' and the 'gaussian radius' is set to its max which is 15. Would you, or anyone else, be interested in having me post an exported copy of my compiz settings?
bro.. please send me copy of ur compiz settings.. i can't see my emerald blurring,althought i,ve avtivated blur plugin.. OMG
Ok, I'll upload it... I am sporting a 9800GTX+ though so just be aware that if you import these settings it may bring some computers to a screeching halt - you should be alright so long as you've got a decent graphics card with drivers installed. ;)
Did you get it to work?