Hope you like it.
Here is a link to my personal GTK theme with panel : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Glossy_Blue_with_panel?content=90525 and without panel : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Glossy_Blue_without_panel?content=90490 (these are blue versions ).
I expect your advices.
Best regards

Ratings & Comments
Hi ddragon, I just found your nice ddragon-emerald-themes here. Then I just wanted to ask you this simple question: did you know, that there are corresponding metacity-themes existing?? I love these emerald-themes together with their corresponding Metacity-themes. Good work!!! Keep it up and keep it going. Greetings Karmicbastler
This is the best blue theme I've ever seen. It shines and accents every wallpaper I've used it on. What a breath of fresh air here. Very good work sir.
This is a very nice theme, you did a very good job with it! I already have a lighter blue theme currently, but I've been looking for some nice buttons and I am happy to find some very nice ones in your theme. And just so you know, I'm not planning on packaging it up and calling it my own or anything like that, just something for my personal use. I don't quite have the skills to come up with my own buttons yet.
OK :) Here what we'll do, you will give me your current theme, and I'll build these buttons in it, so you'll have your theme with these buttons :) OK? :) Just send me a message(through my profile - just click my nick ) and I'll send you back my mail ( I don't wanna post it here because of the spam-bots ) with instructions what you have to give me ( usually $HOME/.emerald/theme ) and you'll go with your personal theme in few days :) Regards :)
Good job, I like it and voted good. :)
Thank you for the vote :) I appriciate it :) The votes are the only reason that make us(developers) share our content, and there isn't many people, that understand that vote good, keep us updatin' and sharin' our artworks :) Thanks again and cheers :)
I'm so sick of blue themes that I want to puke whenever I see another one. Freaking blue this, fricking blue that, and too much vista-schitt blue crap-ass stinking vista blue-goo-booger vista schitt everywhere. Alas, there is a first for everything. This blue has a bit of metallic sheen to it. I don't know how you did it but it looks good. This one I actually put on my desktop. AND I HATE BLUE THEMES! But not this one. Kudos to you.
Thank you very, very much, I really appriciate what you said, and I'm very happy to understand, that it's worth to share my work with other people ( in about 2-3 days ago I think that there is no much sence - meaning the low rate, but then I understand that there are people, who can saj good words and that's why we workin here - nothin' else, so I deside to keep updating the themes :) ) I'm absolutely in your oppinion abot Vista, and I may say Mac's themes are flood the linux world .... If some people want Vista or Mac, why don't they just use them? I know that the LINUX are much better ( I also have WinBoz, but last time I use it was about month ago - I don't need it exept the games, but with new wine ... almost everything starts perfectly - and thet's strange - some win apps work beter under linux :) I hate Vista too. So stupid system... And can't compare to LINUX beauty and stability ever. I'm so much talking. Just want to say big THANKS for the good words. Best regards and cheers :)
This theme doesn't make anyone blue. It's nice and cheery. Very good work! Very seldom do we see blue schemes that are vivid and exciting. You've done well here. I see lots of talent! Keep up the superb work! Tank