Fist you must install deKorator, only then may you use this windec. Search this website, and you will find the source and several different binaries (I used the Suse 10 RPM). Install it and unpack my theme. Under window decoration settings select deKorator. Under the "paths" tab, past the location/URL (I'm not sure if it's called a URL if it's a local file) of the buttons into the "buttons" place, the deco folder into the "frames" place, check "use masks" and paste the masks folders URL/location into the appropriate box. That may not be a perfect howto, but it should do the trick. I'm a bit of a Linux newb myself, but if you have troubles I will try to help.
Ratings & Comments
Why is Manuu once installed worlds darker than in the screeenshot?
i like your kicker :-)
yep, me too, where did you find it??
I made it w/ the gimp after studying a similar one I saw somewhaere on this website, I'll add it to the download.
How to install it?
Fist you must install deKorator, only then may you use this windec. Search this website, and you will find the source and several different binaries (I used the Suse 10 RPM). Install it and unpack my theme. Under window decoration settings select deKorator. Under the "paths" tab, past the location/URL (I'm not sure if it's called a URL if it's a local file) of the buttons into the "buttons" place, the deco folder into the "frames" place, check "use masks" and paste the masks folders URL/location into the appropriate box. That may not be a perfect howto, but it should do the trick. I'm a bit of a Linux newb myself, but if you have troubles I will try to help.
I have the Layered originals for the button images if you want use them and get the effect a little cleaner.
Sure, sounds good. Thanks for the comment man.
Yeah, you could just email those to me I guess...