Description: This is a Preview (theme is there but is still a beta, as you may see in the screenshot some more work is needed to look better).
Is just the dark version of silverchill theme, windows (background) color of the screenshots is hue 0, saturation 0, value (luminosity) 6. Using instead value 33 renders it better, but's less sexy (IMHO)
You've done it again, terrific job! It's too dark for the color style I use now (I would have used this when I used dark window backgrounds), but it's beautiful none-the-less. I think people that use a dark color scheme are going to be drooling all over this.
Great job once again! (now if only I can figure out how to change the titlebar color like is shown in the other thread).
Ratings & Comments
I love it. Keep up the great work
Wow, it's really....uhm....shiny! I love shinyness!! Sadly, not many people do really shiny window decorations or styles =(
You've done it again, terrific job! It's too dark for the color style I use now (I would have used this when I used dark window backgrounds), but it's beautiful none-the-less. I think people that use a dark color scheme are going to be drooling all over this. Great job once again! (now if only I can figure out how to change the titlebar color like is shown in the other thread).
Titlebar color change is a feature of deKorator 0.3 , actually not released.