Linspire Clear for DeKorator
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
ALL CREDIT GOES TO EVERALDO when he was designing the Linspire 5 theme this was a pre-version to its final release I personally prefer this earlier design so thanks to dekorator and everaldo here it is. Finally fixed the buttons thanks to the amazing deKorator 2.0 Last changelog:
I failed to notice that the close button shifted on hover and press, so I corrected the little accident
Ratings & Comments
Hi This windeco is very nice, but i wish that Icon Theme too, where i download it?
There were a couple bugs that I noticed. The corners of rounded windows have a white square extending to the window boundaries. It's hard to describe, but if a theme has rounded corners, a block of white pixels extends past the round part of the corner to where the window would end if it were square. I noticed this with LinspireClear, and a couple of the other themes. The other thing that I noticed was that the theme selector is not working. That is, when you install a new theme, and select it under Themes, nothing happens. The Apply button does nothing. So you have to manually edit the paths to change the theme.
Otherwise, this is a great windeco, and I hope you keep up the good work!
Whoops, I meant to post this for deKorator in general, not this theme. The theme is great. Sorry...
I cant install the theme. deKorator says it is not a valid theme file. Whats wrong?
The same occurred with me... i cant install this theme.
here: ftp://www.cheetux.org.il/home/motyr/public_html/deKorator/0.2-themes/LinspireClear-theme.tar.gz
sorry:(, here: http://www.cheetux.org.il/~motyr/deKorator/0.2-themes/LinspireClear-theme.tar.gz
The theme doesn't install because of the folder names inside of the rar file. Just decompress, rename all folders to lowercase letters and compress it again... voilà! That's what I did, and it worked.
I have long been searching for a window deco just like this one. It's perfect! The color, the smothness, it's AWESOME!
What style and button theme are you using?
If Everaldo hasn't released it, it's not legal. You need to ask him for permission. If you haven't you are breaking his copyright! I'm sure he doesn't mind, yet you will need to ask him for permission if you want to use his work, especially before distributing it as LGPL. People are using Linux because it's free. Please keep KDE clean.
Go blow your copyright wistle somewhere else, Im getting sick of users like you crying about every GPL, since YOU DON'T know dont bother telling me thats its copyrighted, because It just so happens that I DO know, and thats why I posted it
Well, if that's the case, then I'm truly sorry. However lots of stuff being posted by others is not really GPL. What I do know is that everything found on Everaldo's site, except noted, is copyrighted. That's why I stated what I did. I'm simply doing a service -- not a disservice. > /dev/null
well, it is as relevant as fernis' comment :D
I assume you're a christian with all the cross stuff. You're really giving the rest of us a bad rep. Please istead of asuming something as the author if you're so worried about copyright. The the problem with Christians like yourself you cast judgement before actually knowing the truth. That kills any ministry the rest of us might of had and everyone assumes every Christian is that way. Please if you're going to use a cross and a link to tracks be a good witness. Accusing someone of a false wrong is lieing.
hey, he might be cristian or not, let him. it bothers noone (or at least it shouldn't). and i think free software should appeal to christian ppl... anyway, he IS right, the author of this deco should be clear about wheter he asked for permission or not...
I'm just curious, who do you think programmed kde? buddists? mormons? zealots? Since most of it is programmed in europe, I just assume they are christians ....
Europe is fortunately far more atheistic than USA...
I could take a look at the buttons if your Ok with that, I could then mail you the corrected tiles.......
That would be awsome, here's a reference to what it should be > http://www.everaldo.com/splashs/images/OpenOffice.jpg