Description: Just a quickly made theme... I just saw some mac screenshots on deviantart and threw this togheter.. .figured maybe some of you even finds it useful.
it's not the xbar plasmoid, i however just changed it in this regard.
(no, it ain't gnome either and Rob is _certainly_ not gonna tell anything if he knows what is good for him >-)
...... ;-)
It was one of the two things really missing in XBar! You're great! Thx for this update.
2nd thing would be great to have - set custom font for XBar. Does it possible?
ok, just for you i just added a config key, edit ~/.config/Bespin/XBar.conf
you'll have to restart plasma (kquitapp plasma-desktop; sleep 4; plasma-desktop)
Ratings & Comments
BTW, which's the name of the fabulous calendar plasmoid you have at the left of the screen? Thanks!
are you using Gnome and KDE apps?? How can I set Doplin as defauld explorer??
How you centered XBar menu vertically?
add 2 spacers, i guess.. one left and one right
And it will center XBar vertically?
I meant something like vertical-align: center.
it's not the xbar plasmoid, i however just changed it in this regard. (no, it ain't gnome either and Rob is _certainly_ not gonna tell anything if he knows what is good for him >-) ...... ;-)
WOW THX It was one of the two things really missing in XBar! You're great! Thx for this update. 2nd thing would be great to have - set custom font for XBar. Does it possible?
in case of no bug it uses the menu font as defined in "kcmshell4 fonts" - sure you need an extra font (ie. different from popup menus as well?)
Yeah, I'm 100% sure :) I want to have XBar font bigger compare to menus.
ok, just for you i just added a config key, edit ~/.config/Bespin/XBar.conf [XBar] FontScale=1.0 you'll have to restart plasma (kquitapp plasma-desktop; sleep 4; plasma-desktop)
Thx :) I'm happy now.
How do i install / use it?
Solid work as usual, man! This look and feel of yours is getting sweeter and sweeter! Why don't you release a pack/suite? /izo\
Could you please share bespin settings/colorscheme?