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Aero Glass
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Aero Glass Window Decorations
PS: Don't come with that Anti-Microsoft bullshiet. I Don't like Microsoft but i have to admit that their Glass Window Decorations rocks.
PS: Don't come with that Anti-Microsoft bullshiet. I Don't like Microsoft but i have to admit that their Glass Window Decorations rocks.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

0 Affiliates
version 1.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0
More deKorator Themes from Eldarion:
Other deKorator Themes:
deKorator is a themable window decorator for KDE Plasma.
See also: https://store.kde.org/p/1167273/

Ratings & Comments
How on earth can anyone say "Aero Glass" here, it's not even transparent.
I'm pretty sure there is no way to make deKorator have a transparent theme. To make the decoration tranparent, you need to change the transparency settings in your compositor.
> Well, if this is illegal, i and the other 100000 theme makers are f*#$%$! I like your attitude :P f*#$ licences ;)
Dude, you have wallpapers in your pictures folder. What are you thinking of?
Cool, but how do you install it? I was expecting a source package when I downloaded it.
Untar the package(extract) then open kcontrol->window decorations->Dekorator->themes set the paths of deco, frames etc etc. Browse to the path where u hav the extracted folder is present. Enjoy
How to install this theme
I want to see transparencies like the gnome version. Then u just need to add xgl and u have one eyepopping desktop!
I searched EVERYWHERE for this theme to get for my deKorator. Now I found. ELdarion, thank u, I think it's good u made it. logixoul i agree with you in evry part of u'r "answer". Work on!
I bet that when Vista comes out about 12 things will be copied from Gnome or KDE, they have lost their imagination, and so the only way for them to keep afloat is to copy either Apple or Linux (KDE or Gnome), when you take an Idea from Windows all you are really doing is taking back your own idea, they are unoriginal, stupid bastards, and they are out of ideas, they will be gone is 10 years, Let computing advance!
Ohohohoh!!! I have just read your profile and your posts Goduser, and i just can't stop laugh. What are you? This is not the place for selling bibles you know...
yeh she's a jesus freak. i live in Texas and I can't get away from them even on this site. release the lions!!!! release the lions!!! God Bless her sad angry soul.
WOW!!! Are you drunk or what?? I have made just a theme for deKorator. If Microsoft give a dam about it, then they have to close other 10000 themes out there (see for exemple DEVIANTART, one if the bigest skinning sites of the web). If i am using copyrighted material, they all are too. Except that most of them REALLY use Vista resources. And YES, i hate Microsoft and their policy of you-are-frighten-me-so-i-will-buy-you. (kind of Bush policy of you-are-frighten-me-so-i-will-invade-you). I Love linux because it allows me to customize almost everything. Linux will allways be free! I am talking about freedom of choice, freedom for customizing. So, if you like Microsoft so much, go and email them about my work! Maby they will give wou a free copy of Windows Vista, or maby they will never read your mail. Linux is better than Windows. Windows Vista will use A LOT of KDE/Gnome ideas, features that we are using for years, so we can say that Microsoft whats to be Linux!!! So get a live and stop saying thing that you don't understand. Oh, and download the theme, because i know you are dying to do that.
This is a copyright infringement. Please don't download it and don't use it. This should be removed! Linux is supposed to be free, but because of things like this, it won't be. It is tainting the Linux community. Please keep KDE clean. If you like this decoration, then just go and buy Vista! Don't use Linux... But you do can create a look-alike and there's nothing that hinders you to do that. Of course you love Microsoft. That's why you insist in using their graphics. You really want Linux to be like Windows don't you... (Nothing wrong with that. There's no question that Windows is much better than Linux, in almost every area. But people are so afraid to say it. Yet they want to use their graphics, their interface-designs, their programs...)
> This is a copyright infringement. Yes, I agree. > Linux is supposed to be free (AND is free AND will be free at least as long as current copyright law stays the same) > because of things like this, Linux won't be free. Linux has nothing to do with this deco. > It is tainting the Linux community. Exactly how? > Please keep KDE clean. This is light years away from entering KDE, don't worry. > If you like this decoration, then just go and buy Vista! Can you not imagine an individual that likes the look of Vista and the freedom/stability/customizability/(etc, etc) of GNU/Linux/X/KDE? > But you do can create a look-alike and there's nothing that hinders you to do that. Is there any point in stating the obvious? > Of course you love Microsoft. Can you give any arguments for that? I, for one, believe that Eldarion doesn't. > That's why you insist in using their graphics. Yeah, 'cuz they're so ugly that you need to love Microsoft in order to want to use them, right? Right? > You really want Linux to be like Windows don't you... I don't think he does. Eldarion, do you? > There's no question that Windows is much better than Linux, in almost every area. A bold statement. Care to convince me switch back to the nightmare of Windows? > But people are so afraid to say it. Afraid from what? > Yet they want to use their graphics ...because people like them, which does not imply esteem for Windows as a whole... > ...their interface-designs... Ah, I guess we should just shy away and design crappy interface-designs, striving only to be different, rather that better? You try to take away the checkbox/pushbutton/scrollbar from the user interface and then go and find users. > their programs Like what? Microsoft Paint 5.1?
> [...] blablabla ... kill Microsoft ... wuooooo!! license infrisdffsdfent! .. blablabla ... troll ...[...] Dude, relax! Do you honestly think anyone at Microsoft or any other artist/celebrity gives a crap about the things that are published here? Don't you think they have better things to focus on than filing lawsuits against the people here? I don't think this site is interesting or big enough for them. Get a life and don't take yourself so serious! That's bad for the blood pressure. And keep your religious propaganda out here ...
How do i cjange the colors of buttons please tell me....I installed dekorator today......come'om anyone
it could better if you add a icon to have the window on all desktop :) good work :)
Ok, so HOW do I change the color of the window boarders?? Thanks.
port it to use composite rendering whenever possible :) should be possible in a month or 2 ;) and then you can insert real glass backgrounds
It all depends if deKorator will support real glass effects using composite extension. But I'm waiting...
This Decoration is what I was looking for for a long time. I think it would be great if frame was a little slimmer.
how can i install it? :blush: i'm linux newbie :)
Go to this url, download the software..and read it http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=31447