[qtcurve] Google Chrome Look Alike


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A Professional looking theme to implement the linux "Google Chrome" web browser for linux while working with that browser. Includes blue highlights in the file menus just like the original Google Chrome web browser.

To apply this theme you will need a widget tool called "Qtcurve". You can find this widget tool on the repositories using the apt-get or other repository fetching feature.

$sudo apt-get install qtcurve

After you have installed qtcurve you can set this theme in your systemsettings==>application appearance==>style, in the widget style pull down and applying it in the configuration button settings.

You can also manually install this theme script in your directories for qtcurve for KDE in the following directory providing you have the qtcurve widget tool.



Also included in the tar.gz is the color scheme to implement this qtcurve theme style along with it. You can find this setting in KDE in the systemsettings==>application appearance==>colors==>import scheme after extracting this tar.gz on your desktop.

To manually install the color scheme, direct yourself to this directory after extracting and import it.



Enjoy. I put in about 3 months of work in during my free time from modifying other qtcurve and color schemes scripts to make the KDE linux desktop look as slick and professional as possible.


Addition: Use Ctrl+M to hide or bring up the file menus with these themes to bring in blue highlighting.

Screenshot was my working screen. Try this theme. Tap on the desktop and watch the file menus highlight disappear.

Tap on the file menus and the highlight reappears in the file manager dolphin.

Did you forget your hotkeys? Feel free to modify, add to and publish this theme anywhere. No permission needed.


My folder icons are called "MaK-LionTaste Icons 0.36a" found at this link out ::

Last changelog:

Sept. 22, 2014. Revision 0.01:: Added readme along with install instructions in the tar.gz for this theme.

Added file::


A theme based on the above work without the blue highlighting or blue ribbon in the file menu and without white fonts. Menu bar with file menu blended into the color scheme background. Pop up menus with the same radiant as the menu bar also with that theme.


Sept. 23, 2014. Revision 0.02

Added a lighter blue color scheme in the tar.gz to compliment the ribbon file menu. It is named "Google_Chrome_Professional_Light_Blue_Color_Scheme." The blue highlighting is in a lighter shade of blue, in hex color HTML #659BE6


Oct. 1, 2014. Revision 0.03

Added another *qtcurve* file called "Google_Chrome_Professional_Lighten_Sulken_Buttons " . For applications that have the button features pressed in. Also felt it was a tad too dark to compliment some applications like Ktorrent. Shadow highlighting on check-boxes in menu files added. ~~ Updated and added information in included 'README' files.~~~ Border highlighting around scroll bars toned down some.

Added:: More control over window box movements. Just pull windows from any free area. Also added a windows frame border on top and around the windows box for all windows. ~~ Also added separator line in the top for active windows boxes. Not too sure on that feature. Some will like it. I included instructions on removing that feature in the README. Rounded window boxes with this qtcurve. ~~Removed shadowboxing on inactive window boxes.

Edit:; WE are going to MAC this linux desktop out. Use the qtcurve window borders that are now included on downloading the qtcurve widget through the apt-get above. ~~ Also tested on Kubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr KDE 4.13.3 after doing an update.


The apt-get has outdated qtcurve builds. If you are having problems with this theme install and build the newest QTcurve from this link:: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=40492 :: Check README.

Select the one for KDE4. Depends::cmake $sudo apt-get install cmake :: $sudo apt-get install qt-sdk :: sudo apt-get install build-essential :: $sudo apt-get install g++ ::$sudo apt-get install kdelibs5-dev


Also here on the github :: https://github.com/QtCurve/qtcurve-qt4 :: Check README. Additional instructions on building from zip on the github.

vv. Do not forget to $cd into that directory =) Or use git init along with git clone for the above link and build it.

~~ Addition. To compile up the qtcurve from the github, remember to move the qtcurve rendering engine to your desktop ~/desktop/ . To finish $cmake install you will need to be in /root/. $su . Remember to $exit out. (Kind of a dirty hack). Kind of wonder why that rendering engine needs superuser rights to install AT all. I pushed a commit up there on the github. ($kdeglobals does not require /root/.) Those config files need work.~~ To many symlink problems here. (Note:: Current $cmake here. They :: the github maintainers for qtcurve :: contend it is a cmake bug in that compiler, however I disagree).

Error output on KDE 4.13.3 (Kubuntu 14.04 LTS)::CMake Error at qt4/config/cmake_install.cmake:50 (FILE):
file INSTALL cannot copy file
to "/usr/lib/kde4/kstyle_qtcurve_config.so"

Error output on KDE 4.13.2 (Kubuntu 12.04 LTS):: CMake Error at po/cmake_install.cmake:36 (FILE):
file INSTALL cannot copy file
"/home/meteorrock/Desktop/qtcurve-qt4-master/build/po/ko.gmo" to
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_install.cmake:38 (INCLUDE)

My build files and logfiles of my compile can be found here on Kubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):: http://www.filedropper.com/qtcurve-qt4-master


Instructions and README proofread. Added hex code for terminal color in README. Also added 3 kubuntu and KDE .png icons for the kicker with more instructions to install.


Oct. 27th, 2014. README updated. Testing on KDE 4.14.2 on kubuntu Trusty Tahr. Refined depends needed to install qtcurve from github on a basic install of that OS.

See that "qmake -v" in your terminal? That is why it will not compile on KDE 4.14.4 . Try this script. Qt4 needs to be installed.

$sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake


$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=kde4-config --prefix -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=which qmake-qt4 -DQT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/qt4 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

There goes that toolchain for that. Crosscompile it up in that qtcurve5 experimental up in the github and see. If Using Qt version 5.2.1 use link below. I added this for those wanting to experiment some with the qtcurve rendering engine for KDE5 or Plasma5.



Nov. 3th, 2014.

Custom Gradients reworked for the included qtcurve "Google_Chrome_Light_Sulken_Buttons" to make it blend into the included color scheme better. Custom Shading and Alpha shading values reworked on this qtcurve theme.

Light blue highlighting added into the volume controls of the music player Amarok. Symlinks added for that application.

Shadow highlighting trail effect on mouseover on list menus added.



Nov, 05th, 2014.


"Google_Chrome_Professional_Light_Sulken_Buttons.qtcurve" Default button worked to add corner indicator and turned off button shading on pressing buttons. Shadowing added around windows borders.

Nov 13th, 2014. Also added: Dark line drawn around windows borders on the inside for the above qtcurve theme. Also did away with the corner indicator and went with just a highlighting around active buttons. Did some other tweaks and turned on functions for lines drawn in the headers of the menu lists to polish this one theme up some. (Google_Chrome_Professional_Light_Sulken_Buttons.qtcurve). README updated to turn these functions back off if so desired.

Button overlay and scrollbars reworked some to blend in better with the included color scheme. Toned it down some and re-brushed it. Menu popups reworked. Lines drawn under menu items centered on left side panels.

Text fading added in Amarok and other applications that support it. Mouse-over settings.

Nov 18th, 2014.

Another line of code caught my eye for a slight modification.

Dec. 25th, 2014.

Added a shadowborder for the qtcurve named ::

"Google_Chrome_Professional_Light_Sulken_Buttons.qtcurve" for the pop up menus from the taskbar, like Klipper and the volume mixer to render better within the desktop when those apps are selected.

Also added a real small down arrow for dialog menu boxes that pop down in the menus of applications for KDE with a mouse-over that gets highlighted blue.

Updated README for those wishing to turn these above functions back off. This is probably the FINAL for this theme along with the other themes I packaged in for those wanting it to stay simple for their qtcurve theme. Have gone over the qtcurve settings for hours to have the last stated qtcurve to look as polished and blended in with the included color scheme as possible. I think I have reached the limit on how far this rendering engine will accomplish with this theme.

Good Luck. =) I will keep looking over the rendering engine. If I find something special, in the future, I will add it.

LOL. Look at all the trolls. I told you once in here. Now you have a little script for the terminal to play with. I do not like to repeat myself. Need MOAR?

VV- That script will brick your linux OS. Now you have a troll line. Act professional in here next time. Now you have my proof, kid.

Ratings & Comments



Seems like you never did contribute anything. I use this template everyday. Not sure what your problem is. If you guys actually contributed content here then we would not have to be here, now would we? Stop spamming my content blog. To me those other templates here are half finished without care upon completion. Also I think you have a bias against women developers here. Neither your negativity and non helpful statements will persuade me to leave. I suggest going up to the github and contribute some help. I have never seen any non related development followups here in KDE-look.org until I started contributing here. I wonder why. So stop spamming in here.


I don't know to whom your comment was addressed but yes, spammers are quite active here, on kde-look.org. I didn't see spamming to such an extent when I was active at gnome-look.org. Unlimited votes without commenting has proved to be an inefficient mechanism for a long time too. As if some people wake up from a bad dream and vote everything down or, when they've had a good dream, vote up. That makes it impossible to find good works quickly.


Well, this is for the spammers. $sudo find / -type d -exec chmod -Rf a-wr {} \; Enjoy. =)


Nice find huh? Do not play in my blog here. I will upvote who I want. Plug in that command above and see. I suggest you guys hold down the comments unless it is development related only. Be careful in here.


На самом деле, это полное говно, шаблон, подделка подобной ерунды, которой заполнен весь сайт. Нет мозгов и воображения, не делай вообще. --for English In fact, it is a complete shit, template, fake such nonsense, which filled the entire site. No brains and imagination, do not do at all.


Yeah, here is your link. https://github.com/yuyichao/qtcurve-qt5 See the readme? It was updated. These themes are working for me. See this commit? https://github.com/yuyichao/qtcurve-qt5/commit/e10980924066959d0c60d75edca8d756a0ea1032 Tabs were upgraded. There is no error up there. https://github.com/yuyichao/qtcurve-qt5/blob/master/style/pixmaps.h Pixmaps.h Looks fine. To use this theme, either copy qtc_<name>.themerc to $KDEHOME/share/apps/kstyle/themes/ (usually ~/.kde/share/apps/kstyle/themes/) or copy to <kde install prefix>/share/apps/kstyle/themes/ (usually /usr/share/apps/kstyle/themes/) You have to be able to read and follow instructions. That qt5 qtcurve rendering engine compiles up for me. Those instructions above is notes for myself and other advanced users. If this theme is not working for you on KDE 5, you are probably missing dependencies. If you can not get this theme to work, there are other templates like you said. There is nothing wrong with me adding to the change-logs here. Other developers have change logs longer than mine if you look. So ignore them if they do not apply to you. Now no more trolling here. The apt-get for qtcurve still works. So if you are on a bleeding edge linux kde distro, without using the qt5 qtcurve rendering engine from the github sources itself, YES, the colors will not match what I have posted in the screenshots here. The apt-get will NOTT fetch the latest qtcurve for KDE 5 unless it is published to the launchpad.net by someone wanting this rendering engine in the repositories for others. Now no more negative comments. We are graded on helping you here, we have STEM students in our Comp Sci classes working on this theme. As do others. So to belittle me thinking this is just a lone person project, which it is not, is not very helpful. Think before you comment. It is a group effort. Thank you.


Here is your link. https://github.com/yuyichao/qtcurve-qt5 Yeah, the *qtcurve* for the qt5 proper is in experimental stage right now. See that on the github? Get your diff tools out. I will probably be up in there for a bit.


i wish people would actually learn about the style engine they're using instead of using it to try to turn kde into something it isn't and just ending up with a visual mess e.g. un-related colours and dis-proportionate widgets. so many excellent qtcurve styles out there to use as templates....


I uploaded this theme just for me, just in case my linux box quit working and for others that wanted to use the themes I was using. You did not add anything useful in your statements, and I do not see you contributing here. I noted there is Plamsa 5 being worked on, and qtcurve is not working well with qt5. How about working on that engine yourself instead if you understand how the style engine works rather than downvoting other peoples work here?


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version KDE 4.13.3
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mediaviews 24h 0
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A theming and window decoration engine for unifying Qt and GTK-based applications look.
