Hex - KDE Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
QtCurve, color scheme, and Plasma theme. Hex is flat, textured, and aims to be clear and easy to use.
The plasma theme is heavily based on Caledonia by Malcer: http://malcer.deviantart.com/art/Caledonia-Plasma-KDE-Theme-213719701
*It may be necessary to restart any running apps after enabling.
I recommend using FLattr icons: http://deviantn7k1.deviantart.com/art/Flattr-376383397
QtCurve version 1.8.18-1 has been causing problems with this theme. It's necessary to downgrade to a previous version for this to work. Last changelog:
The plasma theme is heavily based on Caledonia by Malcer: http://malcer.deviantart.com/art/Caledonia-Plasma-KDE-Theme-213719701
*It may be necessary to restart any running apps after enabling.
I recommend using FLattr icons: http://deviantn7k1.deviantart.com/art/Flattr-376383397
QtCurve version 1.8.18-1 has been causing problems with this theme. It's necessary to downgrade to a previous version for this to work.
2.1 - Minor update
- Fixed readability of text entries in plasma theme.
Ratings & Comments
8 8 great
Works great on plasma 5.17.4. How to get transparent background on dolphin folder view?
How to install this theme on KDE Neon ? I did this couple of months ago but I forgot how ! Now I reinstall my OS and I dont remember how I done this! I love this theme! Please help me :)
Could you make an Aurorae theme for this? while a git build of Qtcurve-qt5 will give users the configuration module for qtcurve on plasma 5, we still lack qtcurve window-deco support, but aurorae works.
Any ideas how one could install this in LXQt using Openbox as the WM? I've gotten everything but the .colors file to install, but that is the hard part.
Eres el mejor!
Muchas gracias!
I've been using your Ember themes for years, but this one tops all the themes I've seen in forever. Having the titlebar blend with the window background is so elegant. As soon as the next patched qtcurve comes out I'll definitely be switching. This is the kind of cohesive beautiful theme you expect to see in the default set for plasma-next. My only criticism is that the highlight colors burn my eyes with the contrast against whatever they are on, and highlighted text is almost illegible with such a light highlighter. So I just turned that down to #184880 from Obsidian Coat.
Thanks very much! I can see what you mean with the highlight color. I wanted to go with something dramatic, but it is pretty bright. I'll toy with it and see about a better fit.
Your work is great as always. But I have a little suggestion. Maybe it will be better if this area (http://storage7.static.itmages.ru/i/14/0412/h_1397319180_1779370_d7ed461988.png) will be dark too?
Good suggestion. I use a different menu, so I never noticed that. I'll see what I can do with it.
Ok, thank you :-)
Реально НЕХ, лол.
Sorry, I can't read this and Google translate doesn't help.
This theme is fantastic, it looks excellent, and it is rare that I am content with a dark theme, but this one is fantastic. My biggest complaint is working with firefox, or really any decent web browser, with it because most web browsers will have a lot of problems with text fields when in dark themes, and the only fix I can seem to find makes text fields and buttons incredibly ugly. Could you perhaps try to include some form of, say, Stylish script, or userChrome.css ?
I feel your pain! As far as I've seen, there doesn't seem to be a "fix all" available for the problem. I too have to turn the dark themes off after a while because of it. If I find any kind of safe fix for this I'll be sure to include it in.
I did find something that helps. Using the GTK+ Native style and Stylish with a series of scripts from userstyles.org for dark mods of sites that don't seem to have proper text boxes.
Is this fix working well for you, still? If it is, I'd love to know exactly what you've done, and maybe I can credit you with a little 'how to' in the description here.
To a degree yes. It works well for popular sites, and I am sure there are some that it will not work on but it works well enough for like facebook, google, the mozilla start page, etc. I simply installed the stylish addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylish/?src=search here and then installed the dark mods for such sites. http://userstyles.org/styles/98266/minimal-facebook-pro-clean-dark-by-robertgall Facebook http://userstyles.org/styles/98578/minimal-dark-pro-home-firefirefox-robertgall Start and http://userstyles.org/styles/98265/minimal-youtube-pro-clean-dark-by-robertgall Youtube are a few of the problem children. An alternative fix is to just use this stylish script http://userstyles.org/styles/18958/nrg-firefox-ubuntu-dark-fix but it will look leave you with really ugly text boxes and buttons.
Thanks very much. Let me see what I can put together from what you're using and maybe we can get a decent fix going here!
Another complaint is that the text box in the homerun launcher is white text on white background. Could this be fixed?
I'll check into it.
Thanks :D love your work.
I forgot to include the text entry svg. :) Should be good to go now.
Working excellently now, thank you big time. Once again this theme is fantastic, I especially like the contrast of the highlight against the background.