Use with Evolvere icon theme:
and Ubuntu light fonts, all around.
For the inevitable Windows theme haters on Linux, just remember that these were made by artists in the same way that Linux themes are.

Let me know of any issues, bugs, or critiques.
Plasma theme goes to ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/
Aurorae - ~/.kde/share/apps/aurorae/themes/
Color Scheme - ~/.kde/share/apps/color-schemes/
QtCurve - Open System Settings > Application Appearance > Select QtCurve, Configure, and import the .qtcurve file.
Ratings & Comments
This is perfect, but what about alternative colours? Can you add the possibility to chose different colours? Thanks :)
Glad you like it! I actually haven't had a lot of time for theming lately. I'll keep your suggestion in mind when I get back to it, though!
Fantastic, thank you! :)
Look great, fresh, not something you would get tired of in few month. Thanks for effort. If i may, would like to ask developer to increase window shadows to better distinguish active window from the rest, and it would give better "3D" feeling to desktop (imho). And another thing - when i maximize window red (close) button, which is normally right on the edge of the window, gets shifted couple of pixels down and looks out of place in this theme. Thanks again for the effort.
Look great, fresh, not something you would get tired of in few month. Thanks for effort. If i may, would like to ask developer to increase window shadows to better distinguish active window from the rest, and it would give better "3D" feeling to desktop (imho). And another thing - when i maximize window red (close) button, which is normally right on the edge of the window, gets shifted couple of pixels down and looks out of place in this theme. Thanks again for the effort.
Great work really, amazing especially to have a fully integrated theme in all parts of the desktop! But the window decorations are large and dark, which in my opinion takes a lot of space and attention, so to say, on the screen. It gets heavy to the eye, for me, doesn't it?
usare colore dei fonts binco su sfondo celeste/azzurro? sei un genio! le decorazioni delle finestre sono troppo larghe. quasi perfetto.
Great work on this! I'm really enjoying using this theme.
Love the theme. Can you give some help to this reformed windows user on how and where to install it?
Sure. Plasma theme goes to ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/ Aurorae - ~/.kde/share/apps/aurorae/themes/ Color Scheme - ~/.kde/share/apps/color-schemes/ QtCurve - Open System Settings > Application Appearance > Select QtCurve, Configure, and import the .qtcurve file.
Thanks for letting me know. As I was installing it, I realized you put a readme in there already. DOH! Thanks for being patient with the noob.
We've all been there. :) Welcome to Linux!
Can you also say what plasma theme you use, or how you got the system tray to look like that?
Plasma theme is included in the download. The sys tray is standard KDE, using the Adjustable Clock plasma widget, which can be found on this site.
which clocktray and where ?
This one.
I am actually NOT a fan of Win 8 - but i like this, its so complete and look nice with Segoe UI Fonts to it - as far the best Win 8 theme i seen . . .
Thanks. :)