Crystal 1.0 Theme for Mozilla Firebird

Various KDE 1.-4. Styles

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This is an initial release from what I've worked on in my spare time the last couple of days. I'm still working on some of the less-viewed icons in the preferences and bookmark manager. I'm also having a hard time finding good icons for some of the icons I have to replace for the default Firebird theme. I'm also still messing around with throbber possibilities. Let me know if you have any ideas on how to improve the theme.

Thanks to Everaldo for a great icon theme.
Last changelog:

Whoops, I called it Crystal 0.9 when it's really 1.0 beta. Sorry about that.

Version 0.2 - Finished the Preferences Icons and started working on the bookmark manager.

Version 0.3 - More icons and other updates. Includes an installer now.

Ratings & Comments



Could you update this to work on the latest 0.7+ nightly trunk and branch builds?


Now Firefox 0.8 is out... When can we expect an update?


Thanks, works very well. A minor comment: The first icon in Filepicker.png (under global) is a bit misleading. Maybe an up-arrow or something would be more appropriate.


First of all, this work is really great! Now my Firebird matches my KDE-Desktop perfectely. Even the icons in the Tools/Preferences sektion are very well substituted. One question I have: In your screenshot the firebird-style you have fits very well with the plastik style from kde. How did you manage this? If I install your package only the icons have changed. Again, thanks for your great work. quant.


That's Ximian's Industrial Theme for GTK2. Remember that Firebird is available in both GTK+ and GTK2 with XFT. So, I just went to and got the Ximian Artwork 0.2.26 package for Mandrake, but you can get and compile the theme engine from if you use something else. I'm not sure on the availability of binary packages for your particular distribution.


Thanks a lot, it works. I've got SUSE 9.0 here and I only had to compile Ximian Industrial from and then change the default gtk-theme in /opt/kde3/bin/startkde to Industrial.


If you make the links not only grey, but mabye yellow/orange that would make a nice contrast to the folder color in the bookmark list. This way it looks a bit pale to me.


Very nice :-) Finally a theme that I really like. Please contribute to either!


I have submitted the theme to them per your request. I was holding off until I could finish every last aspect of this theme before submitting it to texturizer, but now is good enough. I am waiting for Everaldo to make some nice tab-related icons. There are 16x16 tab icons but these icons look horrible at 32x32. I'm hoping something new is in the works.


Is there installation instruction anywhere? Downloaded but don't know how to install.


Makes my desktop look more cool and consistent. It also keeps some of the (very good) original icons. One small glitch: The forward button should be green.


The green forward button is a glitch in the crystal 1.0 icon theme. If you look in the theme directories you'll find forward.png (green) and foward.png (blue) i think it's a typing error by everaldo......


very nice! i am not THE big crystal fan but i am happy to see some phoenix skins here on kde-look. it would really be cool to see an extra section for firebird skins. one for xmms skins would be cool too. well keep up the work


Very good!! Now my GNU/Linux is Crystalsvg-full. Thank's, good work.


I was looking for something like this quite some time. With efforts like yours and also OOo-toolbar from kol and QtCurve fropm CraigD, my desktop is realy starting to look unified. Maybe it is a good idea to make a page with all of these Crystal-like themes. Anyway ... thank you very much for this theme

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version 0.3
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