Domino Oxygen-like
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Other KDE 3 Domino Styles:
Domino was among Polyester et al a customizable KDE 3.x Widget Styling Engine:
© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
how do i take the script and make a file to upload in domino. im new to this domino deco.
Hi, could you please tell us which fonts have you used in the screenshots? And about the win deco, is that Domino?
It's great ! Thank you so much :D
How do I install this? I am using Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty Faun with KDE 3.5.6. Thanks! ~Jordan
I forgot to say, when I download it, it opens in Kate. How can I actually download the file? Thanks! ~Jordan
you can find kubuntu deb file to install domino here: 2. try to clik with right button on download and pick save target as.. 3. type domino-aqua and save .....
thanks for your theme, and the help to the installation of Domino.. i like your window decoration too.. can i get a link?
This style don't work for me! I downloaded domino and load the config, but the domino style looks like before!
Try this: -go to /home/***/.qt -repleace your dominorc file with domino-aqua (rename domino-aqua to dominorc)
Thanks it works, and my desktop looks just good ;)
I think, the button outline is a little too greyish such that there is the border of buttons/tabs/etc. appear blurred. I changed the standard button outline to the pressed version and it looks better... Thanks for the theme.
from just loading the domino config file it's not going to change what the colors should be.
Something else: @gryphen: where are your icons?
which icons?
May I know how to install it? Thx
go to control center - appearence..- style - domino. then pick configure and third tab which is Load/Save -inport config (pick aqua configuration file) - load that's it
but how do i install the domino layout? Please help me, i really like it! :D
What distro do you use?
The distro on the picture is Kubuntu 7.04
'metak' helped me installing it :) else thanks i'm also using Kubuntu (Feisty Fawn 7.04 KDE 3.5.7)
its very good.. i love it! thanx..