Steampunked Nixie Digital Clock
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
A simple Multilingual Calendar Screenlet with icalendar suport, this is a known screenlet what I did was a skin and modified the source file to make it look old (So it would look at home on a Steampunk-Victorian desktop). In the rar file you'll find both source files, mine and the original (Renamed if you prefer the original look you can download the screenlet from Gnomelook or rename the source files. The new one displays month and week day with the first letter in capitals, it also plays well with accents apostrophes and whatnot.This is important if your language is other than english since in Spanish the day "Saturday" would look like this "SáBado", already fixed that bug.
A simple Multilingual Calendar Screenlet with icalendar suport, this is a known screenlet what I did was a skin and modified the source file to make it look old (So it would look at home on a Steampunk-Victorian desktop). In the rar file you'll find both source files, mine and the original (Renamed if you prefer the original look you can download the screenlet from Gnomelook or rename the source files. The new one displays month and week day with the first letter in capitals, it also plays well with accents apostrophes and whatnot.This is important if your language is other than english since in Spanish the day "Saturday" would look like this "SáBado", already fixed that bug.
A simple Multilingual Calendar Screenlet with icalendar suport, this is a known screenlet what I did was a skin and modified the source file to make it look old (So it would look at home on a Steampunk-Victorian desktop). In the rar file you'll find both source files, mine and the original (Renamed if you prefer the original look you can download the screenlet from Gnomelook or rename the source files. The new one displays month and week day with the first letter in capitals, it also plays well with accents apostrophes and whatnot.This is important if your language is other than english since in Spanish the day "Saturday" would look like this "SáBado", already fixed that bug.