Just download the Theme pack and install the themes that you like.
Delivered here as .tar.bz2 files to work with the new behaviour of Screenlets 0.0.12 and newer.
Download "archived_themes.tar.gz" to your desktop. Right click on it and open with "archive manager". Extract the folder to your desktop.(Inside it are all the original themes as .tar.bz2 files... Leave them like this). Open "Screenlets Manager" from System, Preferences, Screenlet Manager. Select the picframe screenlet and press (install Screenlet Theme). Navigate to the extracted folder "archived_themes". Select the theme you require and press Open. Restart the picframe screenlet. Your new theme should now be available. Repeat as desired for any or all of the other themes.
For a set of themes to be consistent the settings need to remain the same for all. Using the settings shown in the screenshot (image scale 0.45, offset X 3, offset Y 13) I get good results with png files in a local folder re-sized to 200 x 150 px.
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