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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
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Ratings & Comments
that's fix the "bug" for me. ...but when you choose the metrics units, the windspeed is displayed in m/s. It's not must be km/h. To correct this you must replace (in the file "m/s" by "km/h" in the line : h:<b>"+weather[0]["humid"] + "%</b> w:<b>" +weather[0]["windspeed"] + " m/s</b>")
For anyone having problems getting this screenlet to actually show the weather/forcast/etc properly (minus scaling issues) then you have to edit the .py file in /home/USERNAME/.screenlets/Weather/ Look for the lines "&dayf=10&prod=xoap&par" and REMOVE "&prod=xoap". There will be two instances of it in the file, they're really close to each other. The new line should look like: Quote:data = urlopen(''+self.ZIP+'?cc=*&dayf=10&par=1003666583&key=4128909340a9b2fc&unit='+unit+'&hbhf=12').read()
That fixed all the major problems I was having with this (and other) weather screenlets. Apparently changed some of their code around a little, and most screenlets haven't been updated yet.
When at 60% or 70%, the text hangs over the edge on the right.
Hi, In the Weather screenlets, i have a bug with the temperature hours. Show this picture: How to fix it? thanks!
I have the same issue. And I guess, no one really cares LOL. Rated at 70%! Also - an issue that is the same as with the standard Weather screenlet - you can't close the extended forcast. Any clues?
is possible show the name of weather localization in weather extended screenlet? can you some update to show the name of lozalization?
hi, i don't have 6th day data and when i use mini mode i can move screenlet when i hold left mouse button below it's backround image (in place where is big background image when it's on)
that is gone? I have no problem accessing it from Philadelphia.