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Not working in Gnome 3+ with ubuntu 12.10. Please update this widget. Thanks.
very nice... can you translate it to spanish?
The extended forecast cannot be closed. Just wanted to mention it, maybe you're aware of it already.
Hello, I'm french and I would like to have the weather for the french cities. I've been looking for the zip codes but I find only the "codes postales", and it doesn't work. I think I've to add something, like "fr", I don't know... Could you help me please ?
I did it for Spain, I supose it's the same for france. 1)Visit 2)Search for your city example: Toulouse - Your URL in the navigator should be something like: Pray Attention to the code FRXX0099 in the URL, this means FRance XX(unknown Region) 0099 Code. If you see the example Los Angeles is USCA0638. United States, CAlifornia, code=0638, just for curiosity :D 3)Copy the code FRXXYYYY of your city to the Weather screenlet (right click-> Zip code...) Hope was useful!
Hello, I'm french and I would like to have the weather for the french cities. I've been looking for the zip codes but I find only the "codes postales", and it doesn't work. I think I've to add something, like "fr", I don't know... Could you help me please ?
So, how can you close the extended forecast window? I have tried everthing.
Thx Whise for the update!
Hello ... I write in Spanish, because it's easier and I understood that there could be more people who would appreciate that. The solution I am proposing this contrasted with other people and works. You have proven, and that what she tells me is another matter other than the original "does not obtain data from the server" I have been given the absence of any weather information and that is because the code of the area. I would suggest that prove with another code to see if it is for that reason. I appreciate your suggestion, but I already fixed the problem, as well as other people they helped. Salu2
Hola... La forma de corregir este “fallo” y poder seguir disfrutando de dichas applets, pasa por la modificación del fichero “” que se encuentra dentro de nuestro “home” (/home/usuario/.screenlets/Weather/). Para ello, deberemos editar dicho fichero y modificar la cadena que hace referencia a: cc=*&dayf=10&prod=xoap&par=1003666583&key=4128909340a9b2fc&unit= por ésta otra: cc=*&dayf=10&prod=xoap&link=xoap&par=1003666583&key=4128909340a9b2fc&unit= A continuación se guardan los cambios efectuados y se reinicia la aplicación. Después de ésto, debería de funcionar igual que antes, eso si, con la limitación en la predicción meteorológica mencionada anteriormente. Dado que éste tipo de aplicaciones se basan en un código de zona, para todos aquellos que no sepan su código o simplemente quieran saber el tiempo de otro lugar, les dejo el siguiente link: “”.
En primer lugar, ten en cuenta que las respuestas han de ser escritos en Inglés (ver instrucciones, por favor). ----- As for your solution, I was unable to find that it worked. While it correctly parses weather conditions, the temperatures were not displayed. I would suggest you take a look at the preceding solution written by Crassben. Of course, the real fix will be a version release from the author of this screenlet.
Take a look here: You have to install it and after you can use screenlets.
Thanks, I had figured that out. Unfortunately, it requires a version of python-central that's not stable yet, and a host of other compile errors are coming up, even with older screenlets versions. Will figure it out later. Thanks again
Very nice screenlet. Lots of good info in this thread. One question: How is this installed? Running Debian KDE, I do not have a "screenlet" folder anywhere on my system. I did extract to a separate folder under home/myusername, I have after extraction: folder Weather icon.svg Where do I put these and how do I install and activate it? Many thanks and best regardsd
Says "Could not reach Check your internet connection" error when i enter postcode. My internet is working just fine.
Just ran into the same problem as of today. Oddly, it was working fine prior to today, and parsing the .py file, the site appears to be functional. It's possibly that just recently changed their query format.
Evidently, a change to's query format is correct, as indicated here:
i fixed mine by editing the URLs on lines 126 and 148 to exclude "&prod=xoap".
how can i add hong kong Weather???
go to -> browse for U.S and international forecasts -> Continent -> Land -> City in the address bar youll find something like "" then open the settings-dialog of the screenlet -> options -> weather and put that GMXX0096 (or whatever you have) into the ZIP-Textbox That's it
I checked the package of this screenlets, the .png files seems not the glass feeling of the picture you pasted. .png files remain the same as old package. maybe you uploaded a wrong package. Please check.
Can not run nomally on ubuntu 8.04 alpha 6 - update to 3/18. ScreenLets version is :0.0.12