Clear Weather Screenlet
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A Weather Screenlet modified from the original to look more clear and to enable the use of icon pack , you can use any icon pack compatible with weather.com , you can find many packs on deviantart.com or http://liquidweather.net/icons.php#iconsets.
by Helder Fraga aka Whise based on Weather Screenlet by robgig1088 Last changelog:
by Helder Fraga aka Whise based on Weather Screenlet by robgig1088
updated to be allignnable with the sidebar screenlet and to use with the manager
v3 little bigger high low temp's , so you can scale it down and still be readable
v2 , shows high low on 6 daqy forecast(optional)
Ratings & Comments
Please update this app for myself and others. Thanks.
Quite simply it doesn't work
So, I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 installed this using screenlets and when i click on start nothing happens. i click start and auto run at start up, restart and still doesn't show up. going back to screenlets it shows that the start box remains unchecked whenever i close out. Any Ideas?
I want to know if there exist any other theme for this screenlet. Thanks
How do you get this running? I am very very new to programing and ubuntu 9.10, so can you explain it very simply?
El codigo postal para Trujillo - Peru ?? hasta donde se es "Truj 01", pero no cambia, se queda en New York :S alguna solucion ??
I modified the code silghtly, to give a different output design In case someone is interested here it is http://www.cmi.ac.in/~pranabendu/static/ClearWeatherScreenlet-0.5.tar.gz
Added: def on_draw(self, ctx): calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.MONDAY) localweekday = {"Monday":calendar.day_abbr[0],"Tuesday":calendar.day_abbr[1],"Wednesday":calendar.day_abbr[2],"Thursday":calendar.day_abbr[3],"Friday":calendar.day_abbr[4],"Saturday":calendar.day_abbr[5],"Sunday":calendar.day_abbr[6]} And changed each: self.draw_text(ctx,'<b>' +localweekday[weather[1]["day"]] + '</b>', 0,0, self.font.split(' ')[0], 6, self.width,pango.ALIGN_LEFT) Can you modify the repos? Thanks!! Greetz from Brazil!! Weber Kai
Forgot to mention: added also import calendar Thanks!!
Any ideas on how to stretch the screenlet horizontally so that my city "Harrisonburg" is not cut off? All I see is "Harrisonbu". Thanks for the help.
I had the same problem with my town not displaying the full name that it pulled from weather.com. I was able to fix it by editing the ClearWeatherScreenlet.py file. Search for the following line: self.draw_text(ctx,'<b>' + weather[0]["where"][:weather[0]["where"].find(',')][:10] +'</b>', -5,50, self.font.split(' ')[0], 6, self.width,pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) You will want to edit the [:10] to the number of letters in your town name, so for Harrisonburg change it [:12] After I edited it, I deleted the ClearWeatherScreenlet.pyc file and launched the screenlet again and I was in business with my full town name. Good Luck!
It shows only five days, and some kind of a commercial icon instead of the sixth.
Seems to mostly work now. The forcast wont show the highs or lows. other than that it works now. thanks.
I found by googling you have to remove &prod=xoap from the URL open call in the python source. Did this, worked again :-) Obviously wheather.com changed their XML API.
BTW I forgot to mention: I also deleted the byte-compiled original .pyc file after changing the source. I guess without doing so the change does not take effect.
You don't need delete all "prod" var, just "d" will be enough: pro=xoap But... the terms of use of weather.com have changed, in example: the logo must be included in the output of application :S
I found by googling you have to remove &prod=xoap from the URL open call in the python source. Did this, worked again :-) Obviously wheather.com changed their XML API.
I found by googling you have to remove &prod=xoap from the URL open call in the python source. Did this, worked again :-) Obviously wheather.com changed their XML API.
Same problem here. Suddenly stopped working a day or so ago. It says "No Weather Information Available". I tried using the code from weather.com instead of my zip code, but this had no effect. Googling the problem reveals there is something that changed at weather.com in how they transmit the data and this version of the screenlet no longer works. Will an update be available?
You have to change a couple lines to get it to work, the 2 urlopen(... commands. Line 135 for me (I have patched it previously though, so might not be the same line): data = urlopen('http://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/'+self.ZIP+'?cc=*&dayf=10&prod=xoap&par=1003666583&key=4128909340a9b2fc&unit='+unit+'&link=xoap').read() and Line 161: data = urlopen('http://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/'+self.ZIP+'?cc=*&dayf=10&prod=xoap&par=1003666583&key=4128909340a9b2fc&unit='+unit+'&hbhf=12'+'&link=xoap').read() restart the screenlet, and your golden. You can also just add +'&link=xoap' to the end of the URL's manually.
Worked great for a few months...but now it cant get any forecasts for any location. I think weather.com broke the screenlet. Any fixes coming?
thanks, helped out
i input my zipcode and the screenlet shows the right town, but the forecast is off by a mile! it may be about 60 degrees outside and it says it is 9 degrees. is it using Celsius? i cant find a place to change it to Fahrenheit.
On the properties page, uncheck "use metric over imperial"
i want to remind all that this package is included in the screenlets package since 0.0.12 and its improved there