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Net Monitor Screenlet
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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displays net traffic and month totals
by Helder Fraga aka Whise Last changelog:
by Helder Fraga aka Whise
0.6 when you shutdown your system your downloads are still stored
0.5 fixed a couple of bugs
0.4 - shows month totals
added list of devices in properties
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

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version 0.6
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0
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Ratings & Comments
POS. Doesn't work
This screenlet is good, although if beryl is not running, it won't save the settings (which includes the traffic data) if not closed properly. And it's not really accurate, since it only measures what it 'sees'. If it's closed, it don't measure any traffic. But still, overall it's good. :) PS: sorry for my bad English.
root@n1ck-desktop:/usr/local/share/screenlets/Diskusage# . DiskusageScreenlet.py from: can't read /var/mail/screenlets.options from: can't read /var/mail/screenlets.options import: unable to grab mouse `Success'. import: unable to read X window image `'. import: unable to read X window image `'. import: missing an image filename `gobject'. bash: DiskusageScreenlet.py: line 16: syntax error near unexpected token `(' bash: DiskusageScreenlet.py: line 16: `class DiskusageScreenlet(screenlets.Screenlet):' whats the prob?
I think the problem is that you're posting about a disk usage applet under the network monitor applet ;)
For people with trouble getting this screenlet to work with wlan0: Change the line in NetmonitorScreenlet.py which says: data = data[data.find(self.dev + ":")+5:] ...to: data = data[data.find(self.dev + ":"):] data = data.split(':')[1]; The problem is that the screenlet is not capable of handling devices with names larger than 4 characters. This should be handled by searching for the position of the ":" rather than hardwiring the offset. Note that I just corrected it to work for me, it is not tested and I can not say how this fix will work for you!
That fix seems to work for me on Fedora 8 using the 0.6 version of the Net Monitor screenlet :) I was wondering why it wasn't showing anything. For future reference for the developer, it migh t also be best not to try to process the data when self.dev isn't set as it just leads to exceptions.
That code didn't make it work for me.
Hi, If it's possible, could you decrease the letter size for totals ? (when the number of MB is high, it doesn't fit into the screenlet) Thanx for your screenlets ;-)
I have NetmonitorScreenlet v6.9.1 and I couldn't run Properties window. These lines: Quote:self.add_option(StringOption('Options', 'download_total', self.download_total,'Download total this month', '',))
self.add_option(StringOption('Options', 'upload_total', self.upload_total,'Upload total this month', '',))
must be replaced with this:
Quote:self.add_option(StringOption('Options', 'download_total', str(self.download_total),'Download total this month', '',))
self.add_option(StringOption('Options', 'upload_total', str(self.upload_total),'Upload total this month', '',))
That's one problem. The other is someway it goes to negative and start counting KBs with MB text. BTW if you're using 1024 for change you should use KiB, MiB etc.
this is causing counter that is used in this screenlet when it goes to 99999999 and next is 00000001 and then when it subtract 1-99999999 it's negative...
did you tried this... I tryed but it's not working for me... my solution to this is to go to ~/.config/Screenlets/Netmonitor/default and add this 2 lines to file called Netmonitor.ini download_total=0 upload_total=0
I have the wireless interface with the wlan0 name. I have found that the selection of "wlan0" in the option menu does not work. Editing the Netmonitorscreenlet.py and substituting the line 48 "dev = 'eth0' " with "dev = 'wlan0' " does not work too. Instead it works with "dev = 'lan0' " (I do not know why... :D ). Please check and correct this bug. Thanks
hi can i post edited version of your netmonitor0.6... I edited only text labels & themes
Can't get this to read the eth1. Only eth0.
Did you try the desklets r-click - Properties -> Option -> Options -> Select Device Feature ? If that won't work, you could try to go to the "Netmonitor" folder which you created, and edit the "NetmonitorScreenlet.py" manually : look for "dev = 'eth0'" , line 45 for me, and put in your interfaces name and reload the screenlet. PS: Thanks for fixing the memory leek ( it was hundreds of MB ^^ ) and the 0.3 default theme looks neat too ! Keep it up
Is this screenlet works with wlan because it doesn't show my download and uplaod?
Hello, I have the same pb. My wlan card using name wlan0 (Wg311 with ndiswrapper)doesn't show any info in the screenlet, though eth0 seems to show ok. Any clue about waht could be going wrong? Thanks.
Hello, loved the look, downloaded, installed fine. Thought it wasn't recognizing eth0 however it did show 1 refresh of the the statistics, however im not sure what i did to get it to show that, is there a way to set the update speed ? Im using screenlets 10, is that possibly a problem ?
i have a proplem with installing any of gdesklets package i'm new user with gdesklets so can eny one tell me how to install it
It seems that this is not a gdesklet but a screenlet (compatible with Compiz Fusion). So don't think to install it with gdesklet.