Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
great job! simplicity is beautiful. no0borz here, how do i install this? i currently have a normal conky script running.
I modified the code in order to have the dynamic graphical visualization also for the temperature sensors. ;)
Hi. Nice stuff, but my Wlan0 is not dynamic at all, it either displays 100% all the time, or if i change the opt to something else, like a diskdrive, and then back, it's stuck at whatever the disk percentage was.
Hi, My temperature sensor keeps on resetting to CPU0 after restarting my pc. How do I keep it from doing that?
Hey, do I need a special tool to install or run it? All I have is a pyhton interpreter. Do I have to copy the tar file into a specific directory? I´m a newbie, sorry...
very...very...very..NICE! I cannot discribe the many thanks I wish to give you. I been keeping track of this screenlet even when it was an adesklet. Excellent move! Worth voting and thanking for. Now I am overlapping and locking them. Very attractive.
On a dual core processor, cpu0, cpu1 and cpu2 all show activity. Which ones are the real two?
I too would like to know the answer to this. Comparing the results to top, it's a bit fuzzy but it looks like CPU0 is the sensor that the other CPU screenlets use, CPU1 would be the first CPU or core, and then CPU2 would be the second. But I have been known to be wrong from time to time. I hope whise comes back to answer this for sure.
yep thats it 0 is average 1 is one 2 is 2
It won't install, saying that the screenlet is outdated.
use screenlets 0.0.12
Sigh, my apologies. I thought I was running 0.12 at the time. Once again, sorry!
Whise, good job on converting this adesklet into a screenlet. One sugestion: could you make it so that it is possible to resize the circle but still have control on the font size itself? That way I can make the circle smaller but still have a big font that is easy to read.
It looks for the wrong battery; I'm on a laptop and my battery is listed under BAT0 instead of BAT1. Other than that, it's great! Although sometimes it is kind of hard to grab the screenlets, but I guess that's because of the shape?
thats weird , on my its bat0 and it works
Hmm...well the WaterMark screenlets get my battery right...but I REALLY like the circlemeter! Arg