Wallpaper Clock Screenlet


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A Screenlet that shows a working clock wallpaper , you can get wallpaper clocks from http://www.vladstudio.com/wallpaperclock/ , the default version only include one wallpaper , however you can download them and extract them to the wallpaper folder inside the screenlet folder , just download the file and extract its content there


Install as usual

dependencies : python image module

by Helder Fraga aka Whise , The Wallpaper Clocks are completly made by Vlad Gerasimov at http://www.vladstudio.com , I have no association with him or his project

the wallpaper shown in the 3rd image has a bug , in order to make it work properly delete hour25.png from that wallpaper
Last changelog:

v2.3 xfce workarround

v2.2 Some bug fixes , added kde strech option and black screen workarround

v2.1 The new version has some improvements made by Nikke , also fixed the time delay

v2 fixed a conflict with the manager

v1.9 fixed a bug where sometimes the wallpaper is generated but not set ,in gnome

v1.8 fixed moon phase

v1.6 support for 12/24 hour format

v1.5 added menu for wallpaper credits

v1.4 litle bug fix at start up

v1.2 uses much less ram

v1 moon phase and zodiac support
fixed a few bugs
should work on kde and gnome based desktops

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Hi ! Thanks a lot for this very nice screenlet ! It works mostly like a charm but I have a problem : at startup, it doesn't display the right wallpaper, but a "built-in" one that I cannot remove ("alittlemotivation.wcz"). If I reselect again in the prefs the one I want, it works... Until next reboot. Any idea ? (the right wallpaper is always the one in the settings, but it does show "alittlemotivation" anyway for some reason) Cheers & thanks again !


Hmm, it turned out the issue was in the Ubuntu PPA version. oops :)


You can disable the fade effect for the background image adding this line in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 (create the file if it does not exist): gtk-enable-animations = 0 Unfortunatly, this will disable all gtk2 effect (if you're using compiz, probably this not interest you :D ) Now, you will be able to change the wallpaper clock without having the annoying fade effect! Sorry for my English! Bye!


I forgot to tell you that you must restart nautilus to apply the changes killall nautilus :)


Hey, can anyone tell me how to actually make this work? I'm in Arch Linux by the way. :)


I was also experiencing the slight delay when the wallpaper was updated. Sometimes it would show the solid background colour for several seconds before the image was displayed. Turning off the fade effect helped somewhat but it still occurred from time to time. In the end I modified the code slightly to generate the wallpaper image as wallpaper_<timestamp>.png and then set that as the background. This did the trick and it's always a smooth transition now, even with the fade enabled. Note: Make sure you add a line to delete the previously generated wallpaper each time a new one is created, otherwise you end up filling your drive with them. Perhaps this can be added as another workaround in the options window? :)


Hi Andy Can you elaborate on what you did, maybe show the code lines you wrote/changed? Cheers /Anders:)


a dirty fix could look like this: --- try: # This is a slow operation!!! self.image.save (self.mypath + '/wallpaper' + self.minute + '.png') if self.black_workarround: os.system ("mv -f "+self.mypath+"/wallpaper.working.png "+ self.mypath + '/wallpaper.png') except: pass print "Point 4: " +str(datetime.now()) if self.xfce_workarround:os.system ("killall -USR1 xfdesktop &") try: os.system("gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename " + self.mypath + '/wallpaper' + self.minute + '.png') os.system("gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options " + self.gnome_wallpaper_option) os.system("gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/background/draw_background False") os.system("gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/background/draw_background True") except: pass try: if self.gnome_wallpaper_option == 'stretched': kde_wall = 6 else: kde_wall = 7 os.system("/usr/bin/dcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface setWallpaper " + self.mypath + "/wallpaper" + self.minute + ".png " + kde_wall) except: pass --- someone might do it better... for me this works for now ;) (lazy as I'am I skipped the delete thing thought :D)


same problem of the "black screen"...moreover whan the image disappears, CPU usage increases dramatically! very annoying... did anybody finally find a workaround?


You can download them free of charge http://www.vladstudio.com/de/wallpaperclock/


Any of the themes on the screenshots are free?


Is there an easy way to shorten the refresh timing on the wallpaper clock or place a secondary background image such that the refresh does not 'flash'?


I am using WallpaperClocks 2.3 and would like to store all of my wallpapers in /usr/share/screenlets/WallpaperClocks/wallpapers. I can unzip the clock files to that directory and even get them to show up in the menu but I can't seem to get them to work the wallpaper image never gets copied to the users home directory even if manually copied the clock arms never show up. I am not much of a programmer and I don't know python very well but it looks like all the file references only point to ~/.screenlets/WallpaperClock I tried editing the python script as show below but still have no luck. Any ideas? # wall_sel = os.listdir(os.environ['HOME'] + '/.screenlets/WallpaperClock/' + 'wallpapers') wall_sel = '/usr/share/screenlets/WallpaperClock/wallpapers' # imagepath = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.screenlets/WallpaperClock/' imagepath = '/usr/share/screenlets/WallpaperClock/'


Try to do a symbolic link where script says. Go to that folder, where script looks for wallpapers, and type ln -s /usr/share/screenlets/WallpaperClocks/wallpapers ./ Now, you have a symbolic link, try to acces to that link, yo'll see that now you are in /usr..../wallapers folder :) Replace folder with your new symbolic link. I hope you can fix it.


When set to 12-hour mode, 12:00PM is incorrectly displayed as 12:00AM. Try the following patch: Quote:

--- /usr/share/screenlets/WallpaperClock/WallpaperClockScreenlet.py 2008-12-14 12:03:43.000000000 -0500 +++ /usr/share/screenlets/WallpaperClock/WallpaperClockScreenlet.py 2008-12-14 12:05:18.000000000 -0500 @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ try: if os.path.isfile (self.imagepath+'wallpapers/' +self.wall+'/am.png'): - if int(self.get_hour24())> 12: + if int(self.get_hour24())>= 12: self.image1 = Image.open(self.imagepath+'wallpapers/' +self.wall+'/pm.png') self.image.paste(self.image1, (0,0), self.image1) else:


when the time changes the screen becomes brown for a fraction of second, which is very annoying. this happens with some screenlets particularly traveller. i am using compiz and AWN. the black workaround does not help.


Its the background "color" flashing in between clock updates. I changed my background color to yellow to test it and now I get a yellow flash in between clock updates. There are two wallpaper clocks I have that work without the background flashing in: metal and bluemetal. These two work fine no flashing; but all my other wallpaper clocks have the annoying flash also.


Same problem for me!


ok guys, I had the same problem and I couldn't figure it out...'till now! for me the problem was that wallpaper clock was already in my list of preinstalled screenlets, after I installed the screenlets manager, but I didn't see it. so I downloaded the one from here and put it in .screenlets folder and put there my wallpapers downloaded from vladstudio.com so it happened that when I activated the screenlet it activated from the /usr/share/screenlets folder, but it had to pick the wallpapers from the .screenlets folder, so it had a delay and showed the static desktop beneath at every minute change. I solved this by completely deleting my pre-avaliable screenlet in /usr/share/screenlets and keeping the one downloaded from here, after having reinstalled also that one. So try checking your /usr/share/screenlets to see if it contains a WallpaperClock folder, delete it and then install this one into the .screenlets one in your home, put your wallpapers and activate it...it should run smooth


The bug must be somewhere else. I did all that you suggested and it worked, but somehow the bad behaviour returned soon after. The only thing that works here is deleting the screenlet and creating it again. I still can't consistently reproduce the bad behaviour, but I'll try to.


I have done lots of tests: - Deleting the directories at /usr/share/screenlets and using the home .screenlets exclusively - Deleting the home .screenlet directory and using the /usr/share directories exlusively. - Using both home and /usr/share directores. - Starting the screelet at login - Staring the screenlet manually I deleted the screenlets installation, then manually deleted all screenlets related files, then installed the screenlets app again. (Somehow the start-at-login configuration of other three screenlets I use resisted this cleanup. I don't know where the screenlets app is storing that configuration file.) I don't know what else to try. The bug is there consistently and the only workaround that seems to work is deleting the screenlet and starting a new one via the screenlets manager. So there's something happening with re-starting an already created screenlet. I'm using Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex. I might try Jaunty in the coming days and see if it behaves the same there. Hope this helps to find the bug.


Running Hardy, I could not get a Wallpaper to show up (even dropped the wcz file into the wallpapers folder). So, I downloaded the bz2 off of here and installed it over the one that comes packaged. Still no luck. Then I uninstalled WPC and reinstalled it. Now it works perfectly. So, possibly, something having to do with the WPC being part of the repos, might have messed with the settings of WPC (there are more folders & files in the $home/.screenlets/WallPaperClock directory than there was before the re-install). In order to uninstall though, you need to install the download from here first. Ubuntu users, try that first. It's possible this is the repo side, not Whise's. -Shoe


Running Hardy, I could not get a Wallpaper to show up (even dropped the wcz file into the wallpapers folder). So, I downloaded the bz2 off of here and installed it over the one that comes packaged. Still no luck. Then I uninstalled WPC and reinstalled it. Now it works perfectly. So, possibly, something having to do with the WPC being part of the repos, might have messed with the settings of WPC (there are more folders & files in the $home/.screenlets/WallPaperClock directory than there was before the re-install). In order to uninstall though, you need to install the download from here first. Ubuntu users, try that first. It's possible this is the repo side, not Whise's. -Shoe


I also have the "fourth quarter" problem. I use AWN, but I'm not sure whether there is a correlation or not. Has anyone faced this prob too and got a workaround? It seems as if this issue has not been discussed too frequently in forums. But here I saw at least three people having it. Thanks in advance.


Im having that black screen problem too although i dont think it has anything to do with awn as i get the same problem with awn closed i use conky and compiz fusion as well as awn

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version 2.3
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