Sidebar Screenlet (with docking)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Instructions to make it work like a sidebar
First go on the sidebar properties and select "keep bellow" and unselect "keep above"
then on all the other screenlets go on properties and unselect "keep above" but DO NOT select "keep bellow" , that way the sidebar will stay bellow and all the other screenlets will stay on top off it but bellow all other windows
this screenlet will be discontinued because it is now in the oficial screenlets package
2.0 Sidebar can now be placed on bottom or top
1.9 fixed bug in docking
1.8 Docking works amazingly well now
1.7 new docking feature very experimental , put another screenlet on top of the sidebar and it will dock it
1.6 new theme and some bug fixes
1.5 now when you align the sidebar all the screenlets on top of the sidebar will alighn also
now you can give the sidebar the current gtk theme color , or system scheme, also you can give it a custom color of your choice
1.4 added create desktop shortcut
added the ability to launch a 2nd sidebar without launching all the screenlets a 2nd time, added new nosidebar skin
1.3 - Now the sidebar can lauch other screenlets at startup ,when the sidebar gets launched , so only thing you need to have in your gnome session startup is the sidebar screenlet and it will lanch all others
1.2 - Added the ability to select width and height of the bar , + 3 new themes
1.1 -4 new themes , added handling of transparent themes
1.0 added the option to align the sidebar to the left
0.9 added new reserve screen space option
0.8 added new install menu with gtk
0.7 sidebar now auto docks to the edge on the first run , but you can still move it,remenber to lock its position if you want
0.6 added suport for .tar packages and .bz2 anso .gz
0.5 allows you to install downloaded screenlets by drag drop the tar file into the screenlet
New Version 0.3 of the sidebar is only for screenlets 0.0.9
0.3 . Added the ability to launch other screenlets through the sidebar
0.2 - Stable Release
More themes , everyone can contribute...
Ratings & Comments
Hi, I am running FC12 and when I run ./SidebarScreenlet.py I get following error Traceback (most recent call last): File "./SidebarScreenlet.py", line 11, in <module> import screenlets ImportError: No module named screenlets
Is there a way to make the screenlets stick to the sidebar? When I use a docking station (lower resolution to the laptop screen) the sidebar screenlet is in the correct location (right edge) but the screenlets remain out in virtual space.... Thanks heaps :-)
Could you please include a feature for placing the sidebar at for example the left side of a second monitor on the right, or a "floating"-mode to place it where I want to have it. Actually I can only place the sidebar on the left side of the first monitor or the right side of the second monitor, but thats not what I want to have it.
i have version 3 installed (the newest one that comes with screenlets). when i set the alignment to any of the "reserved" alignments the sidebar starts 200 pixels away from the screens edge. this only happens when using reserved. for example. when setting the alignment to "right" and the size to 150. the xposition is 1530. when setting the alignment to "right reserved" and the size to 150. the xposition becomes 1330 and cannot be changed. i am running ubuntu 9.04. gnome 2.26.1. compiz and emerald. i have a funny feeling its a compiz setting i got wrong but i cant figure out what it could be.
nm, it was the "snapping windows" plugin in compiz causing the problem. fixed now.
i dont understand what the hell i have to download!!!!!
Me too.... can anybody explain how to use this thing...
Hii im newbie to this screenlets thing what should i do to use this screenlets in my ubuntu intrepids
Is it somehow possible to make that so that maximized windows dont cover the sidebar?
When I launch this i see it booting up in the console but nothing happens on my desktop. I note one error in SidebarScreenlet.log: "Error in screenlets.services.get_service_by_name: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.screenlets.Netmon was not provided by any .service files" Dunno if that's related to my problem, all my other screenlets work. Any help would be appreciated I really really want this to work. My system is a fresh install, with the most recent stuff from the Ubuntu software manager as of March 2009 - I use screenlets version "0.0.12-0ubuntu5", which Ubuntu tells me is the most recent. What's all this version "0.0.9" and "0.0.7" you talk about??? My version's number isnt even close! If you could make this work with Ubuntu it would be greatly appreciated! Heeeelp!
I was using the wrong version of sidebar, I think I have the right one now. But now I get two errors: GtkWarning: Attempting to add a widget with type GtkEventBox to a container of type GtkWindow, but the widget is already inside a container of type GtkWindow, the GTK+ FAQ at http://www.gtk.org/faq/ explains how to reparent a widget. (that link is bad now) Then I get this about 8 times: AttributeError: 'SidebarScreenlet' object has no attribute 'draw_scaled_image'
I like it, not sure how to install it I am a Newb
hay ... thanx for this great screelet ! it is awesome. question though is how can i make that i can set the size of my screenlets? right now if i put it on the sidebar it auto size it for me and some of them i make bigger or smaller depending on what i want ... thanx
i have slackware 12.1 on my computer i installed screenlets 0.0.12 and download sidebar-2.0 and unpack it to .screenlets folder in my homedir then in ~/.screenlets/sidebar/ in terminal typed Code: python ./SidebarScreenlet.py but only a black rectangle apeared in screen. This is messages in terminal: Code: CachingBackend: Loading instances from cache Found a running session of Sidebar, adding new instance by service. Error in screenlets.services.get_service_by_name: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.screenlets.Sidebar was not provided by any .service files Loading instances in: /home/aftab/.config/Screenlets/Sidebar/default/ No instance(s) found in session-path, creating new one. UPDATING SHAPE LOAD NEW THEME: default FOUND: /home/aftab/.screenlets/Sidebar/themes/default UPDATING SHAPE /home/aftab/.screenlets/Sidebar/SidebarScreenlet.py:727: DeprecationWarning: self.ebox.set_uposition(999999,999999) (SidebarScreenlet.py:3570): Wnck-WARNING **: Property _NET_WM_NAME contained invalid UTF-8 UPDATING SHAPE UPDATING SHAPE Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/screenlets/__init__.py", line 1450, in expose self.on_draw(ctx) File "/home/aftab/.screenlets/Sidebar/SidebarScreenlet.py", line 730, in on_draw self.draw_scaled_image(ctx,0,0,self.mypath + 'themes/' + self.theme_name +'/sidebar.png',self.size,gtk.gdk.screen_height()) AttributeError: 'SidebarScreenlet' object has no attribute 'draw_scaled_image' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/screenlets/__init__.py", line 1450, in expose self.on_draw(ctx) File "/home/aftab/.screenlets/Sidebar/SidebarScreenlet.py", line 730, in on_draw self.draw_scaled_image(ctx,0,0,self.mypath + 'themes/' + self.theme_name +'/sidebar.png',self.size,gtk.gdk.screen_height()) AttributeError: 'SidebarScreenlet' object has no attribute 'draw_scaled_image' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/screenlets/__init__.py", line 1450, in expose self.on_draw(ctx) File "/home/aftab/.screenlets/Sidebar/SidebarScreenlet.py", line 730, in on_draw self.draw_scaled_image(ctx,0,0,self.mypath + 'themes/' + self.theme_name +'/sidebar.png',self.size,gtk.gdk.screen_height()) AttributeError: 'SidebarScreenlet' object has no attribute 'draw_scaled_image' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/screenlets/__init__.py", line 1450, in expose self.on_draw(ctx) File "/home/aftab/.screenlets/Sidebar/SidebarScreenlet.py", line 730, in on_draw self.draw_scaled_image(ctx,0,0,self.mypath + 'themes/' + self.theme_name +'/sidebar.png',self.size,gtk.gdk.screen_height()) AttributeError: 'SidebarScreenlet' object has no attribute 'draw_scaled_image' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/screenlets/__init__.py", line 1450, in expose self.on_draw(ctx) File "/home/aftab/.screenlets/Sidebar/SidebarScreenlet.py", line 730, in on_draw self.draw_scaled_image(ctx,0,0,self.mypath + 'themes/' + self.theme_name +'/sidebar.png',self.size,gtk.gdk.screen_height()) AttributeError: 'SidebarScreenlet' object has no attribute 'draw_scaled_image' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/screenlets/__init__.py", line 1450, in expose self.on_draw(ctx) File "/home/aftab/.screenlets/Sidebar/SidebarScreenlet.py", line 730, in on_draw self.draw_scaled_image(ctx,0,0,self.mypath + 'themes/' + self.theme_name +'/sidebar.png',self.size,gtk.gdk.screen_height()) AttributeError: 'SidebarScreenlet' object has no attribute 'draw_scaled_image' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/screenlets/__init__.py", line 1450, in expose self.on_draw(ctx) File "/home/aftab/.screenlets/Sidebar/SidebarScreenlet.py", line 730, in on_draw self.draw_scaled_image(ctx,0,0,self.mypath + 'themes/' + self.theme_name +'/sidebar.png',self.size,gtk.gdk.screen_height()) AttributeError: 'SidebarScreenlet' object has no attribute 'draw_scaled_image' CachingBackend: Saving <#Sidebar1> :) ... OK please help me thanks.
For those who are looking for screenlets 1.2 a .deb version is out in GetDeb. http://www.getdeb.net/app/Screenlets
when drop on the clock screenlet the clock do big ..and other screenlet too. and rigth click size 100% dont work on sidebar but in desktop rigth click size 100% works fine..
I love it...just one question.. In your first screenshot you use a clock with numbers, is that a theme or another clock widget? I ask because I'm looking one just like that..thanks..and keep up the good work.
I can right-click on it, there is the menu, but the sidebar itself does not appear on the screen.
I have the same problem, did you already solved it. Or maybe you have some more information.
yep mee too Whise, are you running hardy Heron?
For Hardy, end all of your screenlets sessions (including the screenlets-daemon and screenlets-manager), download the newest version of screenlets, uncompress, then 'sudo make install'. You can find the latest trunk at: https://code.launchpad.net/screenlets/trunk (at the time of this post, the current version is 0.1.2 for 2008-06-04). This seems to have solved the 'hidden' sidebar for Hardy. Thanks Whise for all your work!!
cool, thanks
Nice work!
i have Screenlets 0.1.1 and i try to drag and drop sidebar.tar.gz (sidebar .6) and it says "Archive is damaged or unsupported, use only tar, bz2 or gz." what do i do? (it does this for all screenlets i try to install)
Just installed under Hardy Heron, and I'm not seeing the artwork. Appears to work fine otherwise... just no art. Toggling compiz/fusion doesn't appear to have any effect. Let me know if there's anything I can do to troubleshoot the issue. Otherwise, great screenlet.